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CG资源 Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Mecanim in Unity

Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Mecanim in UnityDigital-Tutors - Unity 中的动画系统教程  在这个Unity教程中,我们将学习如何使用Unity的动画系统。首先,我们将讨论一些基本准则,从您所选择的3D包导出角色。然后,我们将讨...


CG资源 Udemy - Unity Developers - Give Players the Power to Save Their Games

Udemy - Unity Developers - Give Players the Power to Save Their GamesUdemy - Unity 开发教程 - 让玩家在游戏中能保存自己的游戏


CG资源 4部Digital Tutors系列的Revit建模教程

Digital Tutors - Modeling Curtain Wall Systems in Revit,在Revit建模幕墙系统。 Digital Tutors - Modeling Roof Formations Structures and Materials in Revit,在Rev...


CG资源 Digital Tutors - Working with Enlighten and Image Effects in Unity

Digital Tutors - Working with Enlighten and Image Effects in UnityDigital Tutors - Unity 创意性风格效果场景制作教程


CG资源 Gumroad - Jack Russell - Blender 3D - full course

Gumroad - Jack Russell - Blender 3D - full courseGumroad - Blender 3D 完全教程


CG资源 How to Draw Cute Cartoon Characters

How to Draw Cute Cartoon Characters手绘可爱的卡通角色教程


CG资源 Digital Tutors - Real-Time Vehicle Creation in Maya and Silo with Antony Ward

Digital Tutors - Real-Time Vehicle Creation in Maya and Silo with Antony WardDigital Tutors - 玛雅和 Silo 实时车辆创作教程


CG资源 Phlearn - How to Photograph & Retouch Athletes

Phlearn - How to Photograph & Retouch AthletesPhlearn - 如何拍摄和修饰运动员照片教程


CG资源 SkillShare - Creating Abstract Art & Graphics with Cinema 4D, Photoshop, and After Effects

SkillShare - Creating Abstract Art & Graphics with Cinema 4D, Photoshop, and After EffectsSkillShare - Cinema 4D, Photoshop 和 After Effects 创建抽象艺术


CG资源 Lynda - AutoCAD Tool Palettes

Lynda - AutoCAD Tool PalettesLynda - AutoCAD工具调色板教程

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