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Golaem Crowd人群模拟渲染Maya插件V6.1.0版

admin 2024-05-25 7次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
本插件是由Golaem机构出品的Golaem Crowd人群模拟渲染Maya插件V6.1.0版,大小:440 MB,支持Maya 2015-2017版软件,支持Win,Mac与Linux系统,语言:英语。Golaem Crowd是一种适用于Autodesk Maya的人群仿真软件。Golaem Cr...

本插件是由Golaem机构出品的Golaem Crowd人群模拟渲染Maya插件V6.1.0版,大小:440 MB,支持Maya 2015-2017版软件,支持Win,Mac与Linux系统,语言:英语。

Golaem Crowd是一种适用于Autodesk Maya的人群仿真软件。Golaem Crowd能够为电影创建极富吸引力的视觉和令人可信的人群,尤其是在预算紧张和制作周期也非常短的情况下。它不仅可以创建整体的集群行为,而且还可以对单独个体的外观和运动进行控制,以达到真实可信。

Golaem Crowd插件是在真实的制作条件下进行的开发和测试,能够轻松仿真Maya中的复杂和可控的角色。

支持Mental Ray渲染器

使用Mental Ray渲染器,并得益于本地MI文件输出和一个专用过程渲染插入工具,Golaem Crowd 1.4现可为摄影室提供快速的人群渲染技术。


Golaem Crowd 1.4让人物变成几何实例成为现实,它可以渲染成千上万的实体,效果相当逼真。

法国著名的VFX studio Mikros影像公司在尼桑JUKE的最后一次商业活动中,运用这项全新的几何实例技术完成了一个体育场的渲染效果。

当被问及到有关Golaem Crowd时,VFX的制片人Christophe Huchet先生说“镜头很短,只是一个模糊的背景(这是由于动态模糊的效果或是为了更好地衬托尼桑的JUKE),所以我们必须让体育场的人群移动过程尽可能地简单、易懂”。

VFX的美术师Guillaume Para补充说“根据镜头需要,我们不得不生成5000人到12000人不等的人物。我很惊讶于使用过程渲染让这一切的渲染变得多么快速。而且只要条件设置好了,建立一个镜头变得多么容易。我真是迫不及待要尝试Golaem Crowd的下一次发布了。”



▷ 自动计算导航网格

▷ 自动的和可编辑的骨骼影射

▷ 集群资产管理器

▷ 人群类型描述

▷ 参数化和导航网格控制角色放置


▷ 预置的路径查找,以及可配置的操作行为

▷ 双足与四足动物专用的动画引擎

▷ 自动的运动重定目标、融合和地面适应

▷ 易于配置的行为


▷ Pixar Renderman RIB

▷ Autodesk FBX

▷ 开放格式的仿真缓存


▷ 支持Maya 2012、Maya 2013,可运行在Widows和Linux平台上(32/64位)

▷ 64位支持数百万的角色,32位支持十多万的角色

早已与主流渲染器共同兼容到批模式内的Golaem Crowd,可在Maya渲染窗口内为Mental Ray,、V-Ray以及RenderMan直接提供闪电快速人群渲染技术。

直接在Maya内渲染的功能使用户可以更方便快捷地检查自己人群场景的渲染效果。现在他们可以用自己的着色器配置功能或Golaem Crowd自带的自动属性分配功能来进行实验并即时查看效果。那些未使用渲染器独立版本的工作室现在终于可以享受到高效人群渲染方法带来的好处了。


渐进渲染在于无须输出人物烘托几何(这样会浪费大量的时间和存储空间)。相反,只需要将参考几何、属性分配以及动画姿势输出到一个粒子缓存内即可。使用Golaem Crowd渐进渲染插件就可将人物几何在渲染时间内进行重建,主要的渲染器都有此功能。

Sébastien Eballard,这位数学工作室的首席动画师早在上次欧洲2012年柑橘商会上就已利用Golaem Crowd制作出华沙体育场内成千上万欢呼的人群。他说“渐进渲染的另一个优势就是由于粒子缓存独立于场景和环境之外,所以真的可以感受到高效的照明和摄像。”


Golaem releases Golaem Crowd 6.1, is a crowd creation tool for Autodesk Maya, and it manages everything from making, animating and simulating a crowd, to rendering.

Golaem 6.1 (2017/08/01)


– New Nodal Editor to build and debug ChannelOperation Behavior graphs

– New Golaemisator Tool to convert Maya Characters and Animations in one click


– Simulation Cache OutPlug now supports per-bone scale (SnS) in the Simulation Cache Proxy

– Faster physics simulation thanks to NVidia PhysX 3.4

– GPU acceleration for Rigid Body Collisions (only on Windows) (beta)

– Deformable meshes are now handled in the Perch Behavior

– Added Target Expression in the LookAt and IK Behaviors

– Added norm, dist and rand operations to the ChOp Operation Node

– Added a modulo conversion mode in the ChOp Converter Node

– Added presets buttons in the ChannelOperator Behavior

– PostRender Callbacks now get called by PreRender Callbacks (as sanity checks)

– Added a Reverse Order option in the Sort By Distance Sensor Filter

– Expressions can now be caster explicitely as Double, Vector, PPAttribute, MEL…


– Fixed node transformation and terrain adaptation in the 3dsMax plugin

– Fixed display when playing mirrored animations in the Motion Behaviors

– Fixed the one frame lag with animated meshes in the MeshPin Behavior

– Fixed out of frustum computation of Entities in the MeshPin Behavior

– Fixed a crash due to multithread access in the MeshPin Behavior

– Fixed a crash when setting an up vector almost equal to current up vector in the MeshPin Behavior

– Fixed a crash with the AimAt Attributes in the MasterSlave Behavior

– Fixed a crash when using the -selection and -transformId flags with an invalid transform Id in the glmHistory command

– Fixed Duplicate Layer on duplicated Entities in the Simulation Layout Tool

– Fixed Arnold Ass file bake export

– Fixed Entities not being simulated when some particles have a 0 lifespan

– Fixed Simulation Cache Bake when using Time Offset and Time Warp Layers in the Simulation Layout Tool

– Fixed MEL Expression not evaluated correctly in the ChOp Input Node

– Fixed MEL Expression not evaluated on first frame in the ChOp Input Node

– Fixed Local position and local orientation offsets unit conversion in the Emit Behavior

– Fixed Max Distance unit conversion in the PolygonZone Trigger

– Fixed PPAttribute Trigger not taking changes into account

– Fixed restart of the IK Behavior

– Fixed Target Expression initialization in the IK, LookAt, Steer and GoTo Behaviors

– Fixed Collision ID not working as expected in the Collision Trigger


– Golaem Minidump is now disabled by default for new installations of Golaem

– PyQt dependency has been updated to 1.0

– New icon for the Replacer Shader Layer in the Simulation Layout Tool


– glmExportCharacter and glmExportCharacterGeometry commands now return the path of the exported file

– Flags -firstFrame and -lastFrame replaced by -startFrame and -endFrame in glmMayaToSimulationCache command

– Flags -entityIds and -duplicate can be used together in the glmHistory command

– Flag -entityId set to -1 now returns the list of all Entity Ids in the Simulation Cache in the glmHistory command

– New functions glmCreateEntityExclusionList and glmDestroyEntityExclusionList in glm_crowd.h


– Mtoa 2.0 & 1.4.X

– V-Ray For Maya 3.5X & 3.40.XX

– V-Ray For 3ds Max 3.60.XX

– Renderman Studio 21.3 and 21.4

– Mental Ray 3.13.X

– Redshift 2.0.91-93 / 2.5.13

– 3Delight Studio Pro 11.0.XX

– Guerilla Render 1.4.4

– Katana 2.X (Arnold and Renderman)

About Golaem Crowd. Golaem Crowd is an artist friendly crowd simulation tool for Maya used in production by a long and growing list of visual effect studios. With Golaem it’s easy to create diversity and apply behaviors to create natural looking crowds in a shorter time than has traditionally been possible. This introduction course assumes no previous knowledge of Golaem Crowd, but covers all aspects of the software and is based on direct production experience, so even existing users should find something new to learn.


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