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Houdini高级影视特效教程Entagma Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials 2022.3-8月份更新

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Houdini高级影视特效教程Entagma Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials 2022.3-8月份更新一系列Houdini特效教程,讲解多个影视特效案例,包括数据类型访问属性,阵列,求解器添加碰撞器,艺术指导速度卷,曲率驱动生长,有机细胞,烟雾SIM,体积渐变,渲染设置...

Houdini高级影视特效教程Entagma Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials 2022.3-8月份更新
Houdini高级影视特效教程Entagma Patreon Advanced CG Tutorials 2022.3-8月份更新

一系列Houdini特效教程,讲解多个影视特效案例,包括数据类型访问属性,阵列,求解器添加碰撞器,艺术指导速度卷,曲率驱动生长,有机细胞,烟雾SIM,体积渐变,渲染设置,约束网络,RS真实渲染场,水滴程序建模,飞行轨迹,动态缩放子弹,雪晶生长等特效案例,线性体积渐变,程序建模,克隆,文字图形建模,旋涡布料模拟,Vellum DOPs,手动创建Vellum约束等知识点。可以说是Houdini宝典教学。A collection of Houdini based training tutorials from Entagma

ADVANCED/Advanced Setups 13 – DIY Poisson Solver Jacobi Two Pass & von Neumann Boundaries.mp4 94.5MB
ADVANCED/Advanced Setups 14 DIY Poisson Solver pt. 4 Designing Caustics.mp4 210.6MB
ADVANCED/Advanced Setups 15 – Solving Optimal Transport using Python and POT.mp4 165.5MB
ADVANCED/Advanced Setups 17 – Jeroen Claus Solving The Traveling Salesperson Problem in Python.mp4 145.3MB
ADVANCED/Advanced Setups pt. 18 Monte Carlo Geometry Processing.mp4 88.2MB
ADVANCED/Advanced Setups 14 Designing Caustics.zip 75.2MB
ADVANCED/Advanced Setups 15 POT optimal transport.zip 173.9KB
ADVANCED/Advanced Setups 16 Python multithreaded.zip 90.4KB
ADVANCED/Entagma TSP.zip 103.3KB
ADVANCED/Multithreading Python In Houdini.mp4 60.0MB
GEONODES/Geometry Nodes Ep 01 Intro to Geometry Nodes.mp4 72.9MB
GEONODES/Geometry Nodes Ep 02 Working with Geometry.mp4 105.1MB
GEONODES/Geometry Nodes Ep 03 Working with Attributes.mp4 66.4MB
GEONODES/Geometry Nodes Ep 04 Beyond Geometry Node Properties.mp4 99.6MB
GEONODES/Geometry Nodes Ep 05 What are Vectors.mp4 38.5MB
GEONODES/Geometry Nodes Ep 06 Creating a Vector Visualizer.mp4 41.8MB
GEONODES/Geometry Nodes Ep 07 Refine the Vector Visualizer.mp4 56.6MB
GEONODES/Geometry Nodes Ep 08 Make a Node Group.mp4 39.7MB
GEONODES/Geometry Nodes Ep 09 Visualize Vector Addition.mp4 49.6MB
GEONODES/Geometry Nodes Ep10 – Fields.mp4 43.6MB
GEONODES/Geometry Nodes Ep11 – Create Noise Driven Displacement.mp4 57.2MB
GEONODES/Geometry Nodes Ep12 – Displace and Shade a Torus by Noise.mp4 77.1MB
GEONODES/Geometry Nodes Ep13 – Create the Procedural Low Poly Rocks Geometry.mp4 94.6MB
GEONODES/Geometry Nodes Ep14 – Create the Procedural Low Poly Rocks Shader.mp4 83.7MB
GEONODES/Geometry Nodes Ep 15 Real World Project 1 Psyche Transform Effect.mp4 8.4MB
GEONODES/Geometry Nodes Ep 16 Psyche Transform Spherical Falloff.mp4 16.4MB
KINEFX/KineFX 101 – Pt.11 Enhancing Growth Sims With KineFX.mp4 222.0MB
KINEFX/KineFX 101 – Pt.12 KFX Potpourri Capturing, Secondary Motion And Fixing Skeletons.mp4 175.7MB
KINEFX/KineFX 101 – Pt.13 Combining Vellum with KineFX.mp4 109.0MB
KINEFX/KineFX 101 – Pt.14 Capturing A Procedurally Creating And Modifying Weights.mp4 82.6MB
KINEFX/KineFX 101 – Pt.14 Capturing B Building A DIY Bone Deform SOP.mp4 57.8MB
KINEFX/KineFX 101 – Pt.15 KineFX & Vellum 2 Building a Balloon Character.mp4 107.8MB
KINEFX/KineFX 101 – Pt.16 Rigging An IK Robot Arm.mp4 35.1MB
KINEFX/KineFX 101 – Pt.17 No VEX Procedural Walkers.mp4 63.2MB
KINEFX/KineFX 101 – Pt.18 CFX Muscles Part 1.mp4 40.8MB
VELLUM/Vellum 101 Pt. 41 Melting Objects Using Vellum Fluids.mp4 140.0MB
VELLUM/Vellum 101 pt 40 Fluid Melt 01.zip

Rendering 101 - pt. 30- Redshift In Solaris - Specular Lighting.mp4
PDG 101 – Pt.18- The Top Geometry SOP
PDG 101 – Pt.17- Sloppy Machine Learning
PDG 101 – Pt.16- Feedback Loops
PDG 101 – Pt.15- Batch Processing II- Manual Edits
PDG 101 – Pt.14- The Python Processor
Advanced Setups 02 - Installing 3rd Party Libraries For Houdini's Python
Advanced Setups 03 - Accessing Geo Attributes In Python _ Using potpourri3d_2
Advanced Setups 04 - Field Guided Reaction Diffusion_2
Advanced Setups 05 - Knots & Half Edges_2
Advanced Setups 06 - Reading XML Files & GPS Tracks _2
Advanced Setups 06 - Yarn Art Using Metropolis Hastings Sampling_2
Advanced Setups 08 - From Paper to VEX- Electrostatic Halftoning_2
Advanced Setups 10- Creating an Urquhart Graph_2
Advanced Setups 11- DIY Poisson Solvers pt. 1 Jacobi, Gauss Seidel & SOR_2
Advanced Setups 12 - DIY Poisson Solver- Jacobi Red Black & OpenCL_2
Advanced Setups 13 – DIY Poisson Solver- Jacobi Two Pass & von Neumann Boundaries_2
KineFX 101 – Pt.0- Intro & Overview
KineFX 101 – Pt.1- Deep Dive- Skeletons
KineFX 101 – Pt.2- Building Procedural Skeletons_2
KineFX 101 – Pt.3- Constraints A- IK-Deep-Dive
Vellum 101 - Rigid Bodies In Vellum (2021 Technique)
Vellum 101 - Sphere Packing A Surface
Vellum 101 – pt. 38- Differential Edge Growth
Vellum 101 – pt. 39- Differential Growth With Adaptive Subdivisions

UNREAL/Unreal Engine Blueprints
ADVANCED/Advanced Setups

2020 Rig Special Move Geometry Along a Curve
Particles Part 09 - Rain Part 01 - Setup
Patreon Special_ Importing a MRI Scan as VDB Volume
Rendering 101 pt. 0_ The Overall Plan
Rendering 101 pt. 1_ Theory - Raytracing, Pathracting & Monte Carlo
Rendering 101 pt. 2_ Theory- Materials, BxDFs, Fresnel & Microfacets
Rendering 101 pt. 3_ Theory- Camera Models & Film Response Curves
Rendering 101 pt. 4_ Lights - Real World vs. Render Engine
Rendering 101 pt. 5_ Studio Introduction _ Light Formers
Rendering 101 pt. 6_ Three Point Light (Studio)
Rendering 101 pt. 7_ Basic Setup - Mantra
Rendering 101 pt. 8_ Basic Setup - Redshift
Vellum 101 29 Inflation by AttributeGrains & Vellum 101 pt. 29_ Inflation Driven By Attribute
Volumes 101 26 Addendum - Changes Since Houdini 17


Particles Part 01 - Paint Removal
Particles Part 01 Addendum - Shading in RS
Particles Part 02 - Conform To Surface
Particles Part 03 - The Principle Of Particle Simulation
Particles Part 04 - Tubular Flow With Vector Fields
Particles Part 05 01 - Plant Growth With POPReplicate
Vellum 101 - Balloon Popping
Vellum 101 - Blend Shapes
Vellum 101 - Crushing A Can
Vellum 101 - Locomotion Using Fiber Constraints
Vellum 101 - Looping A Simulation
Vellum 101 - Peeling Off
Vellum 101 - Stiffness Dropoff
Vellum 101 - Voronoi Cloth Bags
VEX101- Implementing A Paper Hidden Point Removal


Vellum 101 – Connecting Wires
Vellum 101 – Force Directed Graph
Vellum 101 – Inflating Ballons Into A Shape
Vellum 101 – Pills (Rigid Bodies _ Grains)
Vellum 101 – Soft Constraining Grains _ Soft Bodies
Vellum 101 – Swirly Cloth (Vellum + POP Attract)
Vellum 101 – Twisted Wires
Vellum 101 – What About Grains
Vellum 101 – New In Houdini 17.5 Per Point Friction
Vellum 101 - Avoiding Jittery Simulations
Vellum 101 - Manually Creating Vellum Constraints
Vellum 101 - Shrinkwrapping
Vellum 101 - Swirly Cloth (Vellum + POP Attract)
Vellum 101 - Vellum In DOPs

AHTYA11 - Intro To DOPs The SOP Solver
Grains _ Vellum 101 - Animating Vellum Constraints
Grains _ Vellum 101 - The Different Constraint Types
Vellum 101 - Dynamic Constraints In Vellum’s SOP Solver
AHTYA08 - Introduction To Redshift3D
AHTYA09 - Shading in Redshift 3D
AHTYA10 - Pathtracing and Adaptive Sampling in Redshift 3D
Render Setup Advected Particles
Render Setup Recamán_s Sequence
VEX101 - Packed Primitives _ Primitive Intrinsics
VEX101 - Why Quaternions
Volumes 101 - Breaking Up Smoke Sims
AHTYA05 – Working With Clones Part 2-20180810T162125Z-001.zip
AHTYA06 – Procedural Modeling AHTYA Title Graphics-20180810T162200Z-001.zip
AHTYA07 – Finishing The Title Graphics Model-20180810T161739Z-001.zip
VEX101 – Intersecting_Lines_Pt_17-20180810T162441Z-001.zip
VEX101 – Pixel Sorting_Pt 16-20180810T162615Z-001.zip
VEX101 – Transformation Matrix Intuition-20180810T162659Z-001.zip
Volumes 101 – Linear Volume Ramp_Pt_24-20180810T162819Z-001.zip

VEX 101 – Data Types _ Accessing Attributes
VEX 101 – Functions
VEX 101 – SOP Wrangle Basics_Pt 02
VEX101 – Arrays _ Foreach-Loops_Pt 11
VEX101 – Creating Chladni Patterns_Pt 09
VEX101 – For Loops_Pt 10
VEX101 – Generating Curl Noise
VEX101 – Generating Randomness
VEX101 – If-Statements_Pt 12

Volumes 101
Volumes 101 – Adding Colliders To Our Solver
Volumes 101 – Adding Forces To Our Solver
Volumes 101 – Art Directing Velocity Volumes
Volumes 101 – Curvature
Volumes 101 – Curvature Driven Growth
Volumes 101 – Juliabulb Using Volume Procedurals
Volumes 101 – Kernels Sharpening A Smoke Sim
Volumes 101 – Multistate Cellular Automata in OpenCl
Volumes 101 – Organic Cells
Volumes 101 – Point Advection
Volumes 101 – Reaction Diffusion in OpenCL
Volumes 101 – Reshaping SDFs
Volumes 101 – Signed Distance Fields
Volumes 101 – Vector Volumes
Volumes 101 – Volume Basics
Volumes 101 – Volume Booling
Volumes 101 – Volume Gradient
Volumes 101 – Volume Procedural Basics
Volumes 101 – VDBs vs. Standard Volumes

Render Setup
Artistic Quadtrees
Bonus Setup Frozen Sphere
Constraint Networks
Creating Chladni Patterns
Directions From Growth
Flight Paths
Interference Patterns In VEX
Live Rendering Heightfields in RS
Packing The Torus
Procedural Modeling Of Water Droplets
Rayleigh Taylor Instability
Render Setup Yarnworks
Scaling The Bullets Dynamically
Snow Crystal Growth
Space Colonization

AHTYA01 – Intro To The UI And Basic Concepts
AHTYA02 – About Geometry And Attributes

Dual Sculptures

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