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CG资源 The Gnomon Workshop - Designing & Creating a Creature Bust - From 2d Concept to Final 3d Asset with Pascal Raimbault

The Gnomon Workshop - Designing & Creating a Creature Bust - From 2d Concept to Final 3d Asset with Pascal Raimbault帕斯卡尔·雷姆博设计和创建一个生物半身像教程-从2d概念到最...


CG资源 Blenderella - Blender DVD training

Blenderella - Blender DVD trainingBlender 人物建模教程教学dvd。在本教程中,Blender Animation Studio建模师Angela Guenette将向您介绍她在Blender 2.5中建模角色的方法。她演示了如何使用Blender工具和技术创...


CG资源 Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course by Nikolay Naydenov

Udemy - Lobo - 3D character in Blender course by Nikolay Naydenov洛博 - 尼古拉·奈杰诺夫的 Blender3D角色床架教程,25.3GB这是Lobo,他是我们将在本课程中完全在Blender中完成的角色!在本课程中,您将在Blend...


CG资源 Art Of Rigging Vol II-3DW

Art Of Rigging Vol II-3DW 绑定的艺术第二卷 - 3DW,玛雅动画绑定技术,英文版,257页,发行商: CG Toolkit. The Art of Rigging Volume II picks up after  Volume I by taking readers de...


CG资源 Cgmasteracademy - Character Facial Rigging for Production

Cgmasteracademy - Character Facial Rigging for Production用于项目的Maya角色面部绑定教程,为期 8 周的课程,通过面部绑定为模特带来栩栩如生和表情。学习如何装配角色面孔并使它们栩栩如生!完成这个为期 8 周的课程后,学生将充分了解如何创建一...


CG资源 Reallusion Unreal Live Link

Reallusion Unreal Live Link Plug-in 1.1.0829.1 RepackUnreal Live Link Plug-in 1.3.2605.1iClone的Unreal Live Link插件为角色、灯光、相机和虚幻引擎的动画创建了一个系统。iClone的简单性与虚...


CG资源 Flippednormals - Realistic Character Portrait Masterclass

Flippednormals - Realistic Character Portrait Masterclass - Nov 2022我们很高兴推出我们的第一个独家角色大师班教程!通过 20 多个小时的专家培训,您将学习如何制作完整的角色半身像以进行生产。从ZBrush中的第一个笔触到Blende...


CG资源 Skillshare - Character Rigging for Beginners in Maya

Skillshare - Character Rigging for Beginners in MayaSkillshare - 玛雅初学者的角色绑定教程这是您进入最有趣的行业的机会:3D动画。您需要能够使用最流行和最强大的3D艺术程序“Autodesk Maya”创建令人惊叹的3D角色绑定和动画。...


CG资源 Game Design eBooks Pack

Game Design eBooks Pack一大波游戏设计相关电子书合集,游戏设计,游戏编程等,英文版,4.91GB3D Computer Graphics - A Mathematical Introduction with OpenGL.pdf3D Game Engine Architectu...


CG资源 Photography Books Library

Photography Books Library300+本摄影书籍合集,10.9GB365 Photographs.pdf500 Poses for Photographing Full-Length Portraits - A Visual Sourcebook for Digital Port...

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