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CG资源 Digitaltutors - Drawing Female Proportions and Surface Anatomy

Digitaltutors - Drawing Female Proportions and Surface Anatomy    Digitaltutors - 绘制女性比例和表面解剖学教程In this tutorial, members will learn proven techniques...


CG资源 after effects cs6 从入门到精通

after effects cs6 从入门到精通《After Effects CS6从入门到精通》全面介绍多媒体软件AfterEffectsCS6,完全针对初学者设计,循序渐进,从易到难,使读者掌握所学知识的同时可以完全应 对工作。本书从最基础的工作界面操作入手,然后按照技术进行分类,细致全面地剖析...


CG资源 Digital Tutors - Drawing Rock Formations in Photoshop CS6

Digital Tutors - Drawing Rock Formations in Photoshop CS6Digital Tutors - 在photoshop cs6 绘制岩石教程In this tutorial, you will learn techniques for drawing...


CG资源 Skillshare - Travel Painting Extending your Experience through Watercolors

Skillshare - Travel Painting Extending your Experience through WatercolorsSkillshare - 在旅行的过程中绘画水彩来拓展你的经验


CG资源 TutsPlus - Adobe Photoshop高级照片处理过程1+2

TutsPlus - Adobe Photoshop高级照片处理过程1+2TutsPlus - Adobe Photoshop Advanced Photo Manipulation Course OneTutsPlus - Adobe Photoshop Advanced Photo Manipu...


CG资源 Gumroad - Digital Illustration Theory and Process1-2

Gumroad - Digital Illustration Theory and Process 1Gumroad - photoshop数字插图理论与过程 1Digital Illustration Theory and Process 2photoshop数字插图理论与过程 2


CG资源 Digital Tutors - Designing Otherworldly Creatures in Photoshop

Digital Tutors - 在Photoshop里设计奇幻生物 教程时长: 2h 33m作者: Kurt Jones软件需求: Photoshop CS6 In this tutorial, members will learn a creative method that can be us...


CG资源 Lynda - Transforming a Photo into a Painting with Photoshop CS6

Lynda - Transforming a Photo into a Painting with Photoshop CS6Lynda - 转换一幅照片为手绘效果用Photoshop CS6Learn to think like a painter and render images that l...


CG资源 Digital Tutors - Getting Under the Skin with Virtual Tattoos in Photoshop

Digital Tutors - Getting Under the Skin with Virtual Tattoos in PhotoshopDigital Tutors - 在Photoshop虚拟皮肤的纹身 我们将学习绘制出一个粗略的纹身设计,并创建一个漂亮的效果。我们将学习把我们的纹身设计...


CG资源 Digital Tutors - Speed Painting Environment Concepts in Photoshop

Digital-Tutors - Speed Painting Environment Concepts in PhotoshopDigital-Tutors - 在Photoshop中快速绘制环境概念艺术 当我们创造概念环境艺术的时候,这个过程并不一定是一个缓慢有条不紊的过程。实际上,当我们做一些...
