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CG资源 Cineversity - Cinema 4D R10 - Old but very useful

Cineversity - Cinema 4D R10 - Old but very usefulCineversity - Cinema 4D R10 教程 - 虽然比较老但是非常有用的教程,24GB


CG资源 Domestika - Introducción a After Effects por Carlos Salvarran [SPANISH]

Domestika - Introducción a After Effects por Carlos Salvarran [SPANISH]Domestika - After Effects 教程,西班牙语


CG资源 Skillshare - Intro to Graphic Design - Create Unique Logos with Gestalt Principles with Dominic Flask

Skillshare - Intro to Graphic Design - Create Unique Logos with Gestalt Principles with Dominic FlaskSkillshare - 平面设计教程 - adobe illustrator创建独特的logo教...


CG资源 Cubebrush - Quick Start to Environment Painting (Complete) with Sergio Suarez

Cubebrush - Quick Start to Environment Painting (Complete) with Sergio SuarezCubebrush - Sergio Suarez 快速环境绘画教程


CG资源 Udemy - The Ultimate Digital Painting Course - Beginner to Advanced 17.8GB

Udemy - The Ultimate Digital Painting Course - Beginner to Advanced 17.8GBUdemy - 绘画终极教程,从入门到高级 17.8GB


CG资源 Lynda - Trapcode Form Making UI Elements

Lynda - Trapcode Form Making UI ElementsLynda - After effectsTrapcode Form 插件制作人机界面元素教程


CG资源 Cgtrader - Bed sofa back flower STL relief model for cnc carving S037 3D model

Cgtrader - Bed sofa back flower STL relief model for cnc carving S037 3D modelCgtrader - 床沙发浮雕模型数控雕刻三维模型,stl格式


CG资源 【图文/流程】临摹泰国酒吧ayutthaya

译者本人格言,目前在悉尼知名建筑公司担任表现工作,欢迎访问我的网站www.shushi9.com  (QQ群:798874171 )工作室ZuzuStudio34(泰国)软件3dsmax, Corona, Forest Pack灵感与概念我在网上发现了这个名叫The Wine Ayutthaya的酒...


CG资源 【图文/翻译】制作湖边小屋

1equals2简介1equals2是一个小型工作室和,总部设在保加利亚索非亚,由Angel Kostov领导 (3D艺术家,建筑师和Passivhaus设计师)。该社区由三名成员组成,主要以自由职业/合同为基础与外国客户合作。项目介绍和启示最重要的是,我要感谢Ronen Bekerman让我们有机...


CG资源 Gumroad - James Paick Demo - WW2 - The Crash

Gumroad - James Paick Demo - WW2 - The CrashGumroad - 二次大战 - 坠机场景绘画教程

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