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CG资源 Daz3d Poser 资源包

Daz3d Poser 资源包,分为合集,角色,服装,头发,杂项,造型,场景,材质等8个部分,总计56.1GB.Daz3d Poser - Bundle:After Party BundleCentaur 7 Male Pro BundleCollege Girl Dorm BundleEnchan...


CG资源 PolyWorld - Wooland - 3D Models

PolyWorld - Wooland - 3D ModelsPolyWorld:Wooland是建筑,树,云层和其他道具采用流行的“低多边形”艺术风格设计的系列模型。这个包装包含让人联想到一个山坡上的村庄。 非常适合平面设计和游戏!PolyWorld: Woodland is a collecti...


CG资源 4部SkillFeed的photoshop教程

SkillFeed - Skater Action I Photoshop Course,滑板动作photoshop处理教程。SkillFeed - The Art of Black and White Photography,黑白摄影的艺术。SkillFeed - The Secrets of P...


CG资源 skillshare - Digitally Illustrated Art Sketching, Line Work, Shading, & Color in Adobe Photoshop

skillshare - Digitally Illustrated Art Sketching, Line Work, Shading, & Color in Adobe Photoshopskillshare - Adobe Photoshop中的数字艺术画报素描,描线,底纹,和色彩


CG资源 Caracole, chair The Bees Knees

Caracole, chair The Bees KneesCaracole The Bees Knees 椅子模型,木质结构,布艺椅垫    3dsMax 2014 + obj (Vray)    15.12 MB    2015.10.30 17:34    Ethnic    caracole...


CG资源 Wall decor futuristic coral. Panel.

Wall decor futuristic coral. Panel.未来派珊瑚墙面装饰品模型3dsMax 2011 + fbx (Vray)43.62 MB2016.04.12 00:25Ethnicmodern art, wall decor, wall, decoration, abstrac...


CG资源 Schoolism - The Art of Caricature with Jason Seiler

Schoolism - The Art of Caricature with Jason SeilerSchoolism - 讽刺肖像漫画的艺术


CG资源 Italian chandeliers - Osgona style Art Deco - 3D Models

Italian chandeliers - Osgona style Art Deco - 3D Models意大利吊灯 - 奥斯戈纳风格装饰艺术吊灯,台灯,壁灯,水晶灯 3D模型合集


CG资源 Introducing the the Life-Time Membership for XMD

Introducing the the Life-Time Membership for XMDXMD的终身会员资格素材包包括会员的一切,我的意思是一切!你会得到一大包ZBrush笔刷,超过1000个!超过750 个 遮罩!XMD ToolBox插件!一些Substance Painter笔刷!包括...


CG资源 sconces Fine art GROSVENOR SQUARE

sconces Fine art GROSVENOR SQUAREFine art 壁灯模型3dsMax 2012 + fbx (Vray)4.18 MB2015.12.04 12:47Classicfine art lamps

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