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CG资源 SkillShare - Animated Information Graphics An Introduction to Maya 3D

SkillShare - Animated Information Graphics An Introduction to Maya 3DSkillShare - Maya 信息图表动画介绍


CG资源 SkillShare - 3D Animation - Modeling Class in Maya - Making Your Own Robot

SkillShare - 3D Animation - Modeling Class in Maya - Making Your Own RobotSkillShare - 三维动画 - 玛雅建模 - 制作自己的机器人


CG资源 Animation Mentor - Introduction to Solid Angles Arnold Renderer

Animation Mentor - Introduction to Solid Angles Arnold RendererAnimation Mentor - 介绍maya中的阿诺德渲染流程


CG资源 Animation Mentor - Creating Weight in Four-Legged Walks

Animation Mentor - Creating Weight in Four-Legged WalksAnimation Mentor - maya创建四组动物行走动画


CG资源 area.autodesk.com - Creating a Character Rig - Maya Learning Channel

area.autodesk.com - Creating a Character Rig - Maya Learning Channelarea.autodesk.com - 创建角色绑定 - 玛雅学习频道


CG资源 area.autodesk.com - Learning Autodesk Maya 2009 - The Modeling & Animation Handbook

area.autodesk.com - Learning Autodesk Maya 2009 - The Modeling & Animation Handbookarea.autodesk.com - 学习 Autodesk Maya 2009 - 建模和动画


CG资源 Digital Tutors - Asset Pipeline in Maya and Mudbox

Digital Tutors - Asset Pipeline in Maya and MudboxDigital Tutors - Maya and Mudbox 资产管理流程


CG资源 Digital Tutors - Asset Pipeline in Maya and ZBrush

Digital Tutors - Asset Pipeline in Maya and ZBrushDigital Tutors - Maya 和 ZBrush 资产管理流程


CG资源 Digital Tutors - Beginner's Guide to Maxwell Render in Maya

Digital Tutors - Beginner's Guide to Maxwell Render in MayaDigital Tutors - Maya中的Maxwell Render入门教程


CG资源 Digital Tutors - Blending Between Keyframe Animation and MoCap in MotionBuilder and Maya

Digital Tutors - Blending Between Keyframe Animation and MoCap in MotionBuilder and MayaDigital Tutors - 融合 MotionBuilder 和 Maya 的关键帧动画和MoCap
