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Assimilate Scratch 7.0.759 (Win/Mac) -注册

admin 2024-05-24 3次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Assimilate Scratch是用于2K电影、高清、标清实时调色的数字中间片解决方案,该方案被著名的后期制作公司Digital Domain、Postwork、Cinesite,以及胶片洗印厂Cinework等客户使用,这些著名的好莱坞制作公司以前制作过《泰坦尼克号》《完美世界》《战争迷雾》等...

Assimilate Scratch 7.0.759 (Win/Mac) -注册

Assimilate Scratch是用于2K电影、高清、标清实时调色的数字中间片解决方案,该方案被著名的后期制作公司Digital Domain、Postwork、Cinesite,以及胶片洗印厂Cinework等客户使用,这些著名的好莱坞制作公司以前制作过《泰坦尼克号》《完美世界》《战争迷雾》等奥斯卡获奖影片,Scratch一经面世,立即吸引了这些著名的制作公司采用。此次Assimilate(亚洲)在BIRTV发布的该套系统,其极高的性价比完全可被大多数制作机构购买得起。

The first real-time, client-attended toolset in the industry to deliver a consistent, integrated user-interface across both production dailies and CREATIVE DI.

SCRATCH? marries an incredibly powerful data management engine with world-class color grading and enhanced 3D compositing into one single intuitive UI that fuels the creative, fast and fluid sessions that are completely changing the way Directors see DI.

SCRATCH brings together dailies, conform, editing, color grading, titling, 3D compositing and finishing into a single, consistent interface that maximizes both creativity and productivity. You get all of the power of traditional “big iron” systems, but you only have to learn on UI and you get absolute data portability.

Designed for ultimate creativity, SCRATCH delivers the raw performance that inspires a new level of collaboration with your clients and in real-time. From dailies playback to review, SCRATCH has all of the digital tools for the entire post-production workflow. SCRATCH delivers real-time data management, to dailies playback and review, extremely flexible conform, advanced color grading, unlimited versioning, titling, compositing, finishing and mastering to a variety of formats. It seamlessly integrates via XML with other tools in your workflow such as Nuke, Shotgun, Avid and Final Cut Pro. Extend dailies sessions for remote review and comment or create the kind of automated workflows and client tools that, until now, only the biggest facilities could afford.

SCRATCH Features:

Requires: Windows 7 64-bit or later OR Mac OS X 10.7.5 or 10.8.2.

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