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强大跟踪软件摩卡 mocha Pro v4 build 8707 (Win64) 米松测试没带中文版本

admin 2024-05-24 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
mocha Pro ——影片后制特效必备的平面追踪工具 ——mocha 平面追踪技术荣获奥斯卡科学与技术电影学院奖项   mocha Pro is our flagship tracking and effects product with advanced modules for object...

强大跟踪软件摩卡 mocha Pro v4 build 8707 (Win64) 米松测试没带中文版本
mocha Pro ——影片后制特效必备的平面追踪工具 ——mocha 平面追踪技术荣获奥斯卡科学与技术电影学院奖项
mocha Pro is our flagship tracking and effects product with advanced modules for object removal, 3D camera solving, Image stabilization and more. Render files or export to standard post-production formats including Adobe After Effects, Premiere, Avid, Nuke, Final Cut, Flame, Smoke, Scratch, Fusion, Maya, C4D and many more.
New: mocha Pro 4 with advanced tools for stereoscopic 3D, customizable keyboard shortcuts, Adobe Premiere support, python scripting, improved format support and more.
Imagineer Systems开发强大的视觉特效软体, 适用於电影, 影视与广播後制市场. 在2000年, Imagineer Systems对视觉特效需要的追踪技术带来了一场革命! 这套获奖的平面追踪分析技术, 也创下了好莱坞大萤幕应用其技术的里程碑, 例如: 魔境梦游, 钢铁人2, 隔离岛, 打不倒的勇者, 鼠胆妙算与哈利波特系列电影.
mocha可以让您轻松快捷地解算困难的追踪并输出、位移、缩放、旋转透视的关键帧,将追踪结果输入到业界常见的影片剪辑软件 : After Effects、Final Cut、Flame、Smoke、Avid|DS、Quantel、Fusion、Nuke…等等。
创新的平面追踪(Planar tracking)技术
? 支持RED (R3D)文件
? 镜头改进: 可将畸变贴图导出到AE, Nuke,Flame, Fusion等
? Roto改进: 转化工具,连接图层 (父控制点).
? 项目管理:图层整理和分组。共享和合并项目.
? 摄影表: 关键帧编辑器简化动画时间调整,复制&粘贴.
mocha Pro 4 特点:
Advanced Roto & Mask Creation
Object Removal & Clean Plate
Lens Distortion Calibration
3D Camera Solver
Screen Inserts & Mesh Warper
Image Stabilization & more
Imagineer Systems is the Academy Award winning developer of mocha: Planar Tracking based visual effects solutions for film, video and broadcast post production markets. Imagineer has made its mark on such marquee Hollywood blockbuster productions as The Hobbit, Black Swan, The Amazing Spiderman, Invictus, and the Harry Potter series.
Apple Final Cut & Motion, Adobe After Effects, Avid|DS, Assimilate Scratch, Autodesk Flame & Smoke, Boris FX, Eyeon Fusion, Quantel, Red Giant Warp和Nuke.
渲染蒙板, 嵌入, 镜头畸变,删除任意编辑或后期收尾系统
3D相机可导出到: After Effects和FBX (Nuke, Maya, Cinema 4D等等)


Planar Tracking – When other trackers fail, users turn to mocha’s rock solid tracking.
mocha’s 2.5D planar motion tracking engine accurately follows translation, scale, rotation, skew and perspective. Unlimited tracking layers handle reflections, obstructed and blurred objects, even areas with low detail. The AdjustTrack module and overlay tools help solve tracking challenges with pixel-perfect accuracy.
Advanced Roto Tools – Create animated roto masks with less keyframes.
X-spline and Bezier creation tools are purposely designed for artists to easily create detailed roto shapes. When linked to mocha’s planar tracking, roto shapes inherit motion and perspective, dramatically reducing manual keyframe work. Advanced tools for shape editing include per-point edge feathering, join layers tool, transform tool, group layers and more making mocha the ideal system for rotoscoping.
Object Removal & Clean Plating – Automatically remove unwanted elements, wires, rigs and tracking marks with ease.
mocha Pro’s Remove Module is an amazing alternative to traditional clone and paint techniques for getting rid of unwanted pixels and removing objects. It automatically detects and blends pixels from other frames with little user input, offering massive time savings. mocha Pro’s clean plate functionality imports and corrects fixed frames for digital beauty work and matte painting.
3D Camera Solver – Camera tracking for 3D visual effects.
Solve 3D match moving capabilities with planar ease. Unlike feature based tracking, mocha solves the 3D camera based on user-selected planes. This fast and easy-to-use solution is ideal for set extensions, 3D text and particle tracking. Additionally the 3D solver can be used to assist other 3D tracking applications on difficult shots with low detail or significant foreground occlusions.
Stereoscopic 3D – New tools optimized for stereo 3D projects.
mocha Pro 4 has been updated to support native stereo 3D. This new workflow uses planar tracking analysis on “both eye views” to reduce manual offsets and tedious keyframe work on stereo 3D rotoscoping, tracking, 3D camera solve and object removal.
Lens Module – Calibrate, correct and remove lens distortion.
This simple and easy-to-use interface allows users to calibrate the distortion introduced by camera lenses. Unwanted lens distortion can be removed or matched for realistic compositing. Export to the free mocha Lens plug-in for After Effects or export distortion map data for Nuke, Flame, Fusion and more*.
Stabilize Module – Smooth camera jitter and lock down shots.
The stabilize module can lock down camera motion or stabilize moving objects for visual effects and finishing work. A smooth option with selectable anchor frames helps reduce high frequency jitters while maintaining original camera motion. Center, scale or crop stabilized footage based on user driven planar tracking.

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