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Phoenix FD ADV 22000 Maya 2016 Vray 3.0 火凤凰流体动力学插件

admin 2024-05-24 3次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Phoenix FD是一款强大的流体动力学模拟工具,Phoenix FD for Autodesk Maya模拟火,烟雾,爆炸,液体,泡沫与流体,同时提供非凡的灵活性和速度。它是一个混合模拟系统包括网格和粒子,使您得到两全其美。V-Ray完全集成,利用Chaos Group的渲染引擎包括适当的GI...

Phoenix FD ADV 22000 Maya 2016 Vray 3.0 火凤凰流体动力学插件
Phoenix FD是一款强大的流体动力学模拟工具,Phoenix FD for Autodesk Maya模拟火,烟雾,爆炸,液体,泡沫与流体,同时提供非凡的灵活性和速度。它是一个混合模拟系统包括网格和粒子,使您得到两全其美。V-Ray完全集成,利用Chaos Group的渲染引擎包括适当的GI从生成的液体。V-Ray RT支持所有Phoenix FD。

Phoenix FD for Maya is a great addition to the toolset of VFX artists who use V-Ray in Maya. Check out some key features that will improve and streamline your VFX workflow:
– A hybrid simulation system including grids and particles
– Automatic foam and splashes generation with optimized shaders for faster rendering and easier setup
– Optimization for huge amount of particles including a fog shader
– GPU preview that resembles almost rendering quality and allows you to setup your fluid in the viewport with multiple lights even before rendering
– Support for all fluids by V-Ray RT, including liquids with proper refraction, for quick and efficient material setup
– 3D procedural textures allow you to extract channels data from the simulation that can be used in various ways (blending colors of the fluid, changing the IOR for haze effects, etc.)
– Full integration with V-Ray, including proper GI from the generated fluid
– Option to generate haze effects for distorting objects behind the fluid grid
– Scripting through Maxscript in 3ds Max and Pyton in Maya for full control over your simulations

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