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Maya2017视频教程 大浓烟雾爆炸火焰特效流体教学 免费下载

admin 2024-05-24 3次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
【Maya教程介绍】 语言: 英语(无中文翻译字幕) 使用软件: Maya 2017 项目文件: 包括 文件大小: 896.82 MBThis course is a perfect choice for you to began with. In this course, Maya Fluid...

Maya2017视频教程 大浓烟雾爆炸火焰特效流体教学 免费下载
语言: 英语(无中文翻译字幕)
使用软件: Maya 2017
项目文件: 包括
文件大小: 896.82 MB

This course is a perfect choice for you to began with. In this course, Maya Fluid Fundamentals, you’ll learn the basics of Maya fluids and will collect the knowledge to create stunning visual effects. First, you’ll learn the most basic and effective techniques of understanding the concepts of fluid dynamics in Maya. Next, you’ll explore all the important fluid content details with detailed explanations to attributes and will explore the techniques of creating stunning fire, wispy-smoke, large-dense-smoke, and explosions. Finally, when you have understood the concepts of fluid containers and emitters, it’s time to use them for production. When you are finished with this course, you’ll have finally collected the confidence to proceed towards the art of creating your own fluid effects. Software required: Maya 2017.

★.视频素材 60组大气唯美精品炫光光晕转场效果光效素材 全高清1080P
★.视频素材 光效影片镜头散景耀斑 4K分辨率3840×2160电影级超高清
★.视频素材 电影级影片镜头爆炸烟雾合成特效 4K分辨率3840×2160资源
★.影片特效合成视频素材带透明通道 爆炸火焰烟雾穿射闪电流星坍塌
★.mGlitter视频素材 50组4K分辨率大气华丽闪耀金色粒子飞舞合成素材
★.4K分辨率MG动画视频素材 141组二维卡通FX运动图形元素含透明通道

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