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Cinema 4D与After Effects制作广告片中合成动态影像与真人特效教程

admin 2024-05-24 4次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Digital-Tutors – Integrating Motion Graphics with Live Action Footage in Cinema 4D and After Effects 在本系列教程中,我们将学习的过程中建立动态图形与真人结合的影片。我们还将学习如何组合这些运动图形...

Cinema 4D与After Effects制作广告片中合成动态影像与真人特效教程
Digital-Tutors – Integrating Motion Graphics with Live Action Footage in Cinema 4D and After Effects

首先,我们学习如何将素材采集到CINEMA 4D的,这样就可以通过动画。然后,我们使用了一下几何到matchmove篮球在现场拍摄。获得匹配的真正的球的位置和旋转后,我们将学习如何使用扫描和运动图形示踪剂创造美丽尾随图形。


一旦我们进入After Effects中,您将学习如何使用简单的效果和对位,使篮球火的生活。我们甚至学会一个节省时间的技术来创建演员皮肤的现实二次照明,仿佛从球光真的被投在他身上。

通过培训结束时,你就会知道如何使用这两种CINEMA 4D和After Effects创建在一个可信的方式现场拍摄的镜头跟着惊人的运动图形。
In this series of tutorials, we’ll learn the process for building motion graphics that integrate with live action footage. We’ll also learn how to composite those motion graphics with the footage in a way that can make even the most graphically styled elements feel real.

We begin by learning how to bring footage into CINEMA 4D so that it can be animated over. We then use a bit of geometry to matchmove the basketball in the live shot. After getting the position and rotation of the real ball matched, we learn how to use sweeps and MoGraph tracers to create beautiful trailing graphics.

Along the way you’ll learn some great tips for reducing your polycount in these situations for lighting fast renders. We also learn how to render this project to get the best render with the most useful passes for our composite.

Once we move into After Effects, you’ll learn how to use simple effects and rotoscoping to bring the basketball fire to life. We even learn a time-saving technique to create a realistic relighting of the actors skin, as if the light from the ball were really being cast upon him.

By the end of the training you’ll know how to use both CINEMA 4D and After Effects to create amazing motion graphics that follow along with live action footage in a believable way.


★.全高清视频素材 共75组飘舞的粉尘火星粒子(带透明通道)
★.10套VideoHive全高清光效光斑转场漏光粒子素材集合 共186组视频【米松整理】
★.Drag & Drop Series 第2季系列8套超值高品质视觉特效
★.31个高清水墨转场素材带Alpha通道 HD Ink
★.MotionVFX 共9套特效合成素材2&4K电影级分辨率 共132G大


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