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AE教程-二维卡通人物角色MG动画制作 After Effects for Character Animation

admin 2024-05-24 5次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
了解合成和预合成之间的区别,了解如何使用遮罩、蒙版、融合模式,并开始使用关键帧设置简单动画对象。学习如何管理时间,与MG动画的基础知识,并使用动画曲线和形状层开始动画人物。西班牙语视频教程,英文字幕。 Learn the difference between compositions and pr...


Learn the difference between compositions and precompositions, see how to use masks, mattes, fusion modes, and start using keyframes to animate simple objects.See the importance of planning when animating. Learn how to manage timing, with the twelve animation fundamentals, and the use of animation curves and shape layers to start animating characters.

AE教程-二维卡通人物角色MG动画制作 After Effects for Character Animation

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