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950个科学电力技术无损音效 Polarity

admin 2024-05-24 7次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
提供超过950种电力、科学和技术的声音 – 在世界各地的多个地点捕获,从电力博物馆到科学实验室。音效库大约50%的内容都是关于电力的,有各种类型的雅各布梯、特斯拉线圈、鲁姆科夫灯和各种有影响力的能量爆发。然后通过焊机、等离子球、3D打印机,开始涵盖更广泛的技术主题——比如旧电话、电报机、发电机轮、旋...

提供超过950种电力、科学和技术的声音 – 在世界各地的多个地点捕获,从电力博物馆到科学实验室。音效库大约50%的内容都是关于电力的,有各种类型的雅各布梯、特斯拉线圈、鲁姆科夫灯和各种有影响力的能量爆发。然后通过焊机、等离子球、3D打印机,开始涵盖更广泛的技术主题——比如旧电话、电报机、发电机轮、旋转拨号盘、旋转观察器、警报器、实验室离心机、科学家称之为滚轮和摇杆的东西,伺服声音、霓虹灯、威姆斯赫斯特机器和烟火。

Polarity delivers more than 950 sounds of electricity, science and technology – captured in several locations around the world, from electricity museums to science labs. About 50% of the library is all about electricity, with various types of Jacob’s Ladders, Tesla Coils, Ruhmkorff lamp and all sorts of impactful bursts of energy.Then we go through welders, plasma spheres, 3D printers, starting to cover a more broad technology theme – like old phones, telegraphs, dynamo wheels, rotary dials, whirling watchers, alarm, lab centrifuges, something scientists call a roller and a rocker, servo sounds, neon lights, a wimshurst machine and sparklers.

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