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掌握 Photoshop 技术制作网页设计项目视频教程(英文)Learn Photoshop, Web Design & Profitable Freelancing

admin 2024-07-12 10次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
难度:高级| 23h 55m| 10.1 GB | 附带项目文件| 使用的软件:PhotoshopMP4 |视频:h264,1280x720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz 语言:英语 |大小:10.1 GB |时长:23h 55m你会学到什么 了解如何通过制作网站设计来使用 Photoshop...

难度:高级| 23h 55m| 10.1 GB | 附带项目文件| 使用的软件:Photoshop

掌握 Photoshop 技术制作网页设计项目视频教程(英文)Learn Photoshop, Web Design & Profitable Freelancing插图

MP4 |视频:h264,1280x720 |音频:AAC,44.1 KHz
语言:英语 |大小:10.1 GB |时长:23h 55m

了解如何通过制作网站设计来使用 Photoshop 赚钱
看看我如何从几个项目中赚到 4000 美元
包括我的 50 多个高级 PSD 文件和其他材料,以帮助您提高技能
本课程假设没有先验知识,并向您展示您需要知道的一切,从 A 到 Z
您需要在计算机上安装 Photoshop,最好是 CC(Creative Cloud)版本。如果你没有它,我会教你如何得到它
本课程旨在教您 Photoshop 的来龙去脉,即使您几乎没有使用过!目标是学习如何在 Photoshop 中设计精美的网站,并从中创造高额的月收入。

通过本课程,您将了解如何在众包平台(例如 99designs、crowdspring、designcrowd 等)上成为一名成功的自由职业设计师!我将根据我自己的丰富经验教您如何在竞争中领先并在 Photoshop 中创建您的客户会喜欢的网站设计!

通过做我在本课程中描述的事情,我已经赚了超过 50,000 美元,所以我知道在这些平台上取得成功需要什么。这与天赋或创造力无关!我想出了一个点,如果他们拥有正确的信息和技能,任何人都可以做到。这就是本课程教你的!

了解如何使您的工作流程更高效,这样您就可以花更少的时间完成项目,而将更多时间花在获得新客户上。战胜竞争对手,更聪明地工作,而不是更努力。再次请注意,不需要编码!您唯一需要提供的是一个分层的 PSD 文件。别担心,这也包含在课程中。

掌握 Photoshop 技术来创建非凡的网站并增加您的自由职业收入

在 Photoshop 中掌握正确的工具和技术





这是一门综合课程,将指导您学习用于在 Photoshop 中从头开始设计网站的所有基本和高级工具。您将看到实际的设计过程,而不是仅仅关注理论。当我设计、管理我的客户、分析并在竞争中胜出时,就像您在看着我一样!



本课程适用于任何会使用计算机的人。无论您有几天或几年的 Photoshop 经验都没有关系,我会以一种简单的方式准确地教您需要了解的内容。

MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz
Language: English | Size: 10.1 GB | Duration: 23h 55m

What you'll learn
Learn how you can make money with Photoshop by making website designs
See how I make $4000 from several projects
Included 50+ Premium PSD files of mine + other materials to help you develop your skills
Learn how to be efficient and cut down the time it takes to complete a project
The course includes multiple hours of actual designing, but that is optional. Don't let the length scare you.
Create a high constant income by immediately monetizing your work.
This course assumes no prior knowledge and shows you everything you need to know, from A to Z
You will need Photoshop installed on your computer, preferably a CC (Creative Cloud) version. If you don't have it, I'll teach you how to get it
This course is designed to teach you the ins and outs of Photoshop, even if you have little to no experience with it! The goal is to learn how to design fantastic looking websites in Photoshop and create a high monthly income from them.

Through this course you'll find out how to become a successful freelancer designer on crowdsourcing platforms such as 99designs, crowdspring, designcrowd, and more! I'll teach you, from my own vast experience, how to get ahead of your competition and create website designs in Photoshop that your clients will love!

I've made over $50,000 by doing the things I describe in this course so I know what it takes to succeed on these platforms. It's not about talent or being creative! I figured it out to a point where anybody can do it if they have the right information and skill set. This is what this course teaches you!

Learn how to make your workflow more efficient so you can spend less time completing projects and more on getting new clients. Outwit the competition and work smarter, not harder. Again, please note, there's no coding required! The only thing you'll have to deliver is a layered PSD file. Don't worry, that's covered in the course as well.

Master Photoshop Techniques to Create Extraordinary Websites and Boost Your Freelancing Income

Master the right tools and techniques in Photoshop

Use it to Create Website Designs from Scratch

Find the Best Freelance Web Design Projects

Get Great Tips for Efficient Workflows

Work More Efficiently, Acquire More Clients, and Make More Money

This is a comprehensive course that will guide you through all the basic and advanced tools used to design a website from scratch in Photoshop. You'll see the actual design process in action, rather than solely focusing on theory. It's like you're looking over my shoulder as I design, manage my clients, analyze and outsmart the competition!

What makes this course different is the fact that it goes beyond design to also teach you how to earn a living designing websites. In a few weeks, you can implement strategies to make your workflow more efficient, differentiate yourself from the competition, and earn more money as a web designer.

No matter if you're a coder, an aspiring web designer, or from a completely different field, the techniques describe here will get you results if you stick to them. Be sure to check out the reviews ... these are real people whose lives have been transformed by implementing the knowledge from this course.

Who this course is for:
This course is for anyone who can use a computer. It doesn't matter if you have days or years experience in Photoshop, I will teach you exactly what you need to know in a simple way to understand.


2021-10-11 11:57:57

2021-10-11 11:58:27



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