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Photoshop海报封面摄影照片处理视频教程(英文)Photoshop Pro Masterclass – 20 Compositing Projects

admin 2024-07-12 17次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
难度:高级| 7h 53m| 5.9 GB | 附带项目文件| 使用的软件:Photoshop由 Soli Art 创建 | 2021 年 6 月发布 时长:7h 53m | 3 节 | 47 讲座 |视频:1280x720,44 KHz | 5.9 GB 类型:在线学习 |语言:英语+子通过进行合...

难度:高级| 7h 53m| 5.9 GB | 附带项目文件| 使用的软件:Photoshop

Photoshop海报封面摄影照片处理视频教程(英文)Photoshop Pro Masterclass – 20 Compositing Projects插图

由 Soli Art 创建 | 2021 年 6 月发布
时长:7h 53m | 3 节 | 47 讲座 |视频:1280x720,44 KHz | 5.9 GB
类型:在线学习 |语言:英语+子

通过进行合成和从 Scrach 学习 Photoshop CC海报、封面、摄影的照片处理项目

您将能够开始从您的 Photoshop 技能中赚钱
您将有超过 15 个自己的项目添加到您的作品集中
您将使用 10 多个项目构建幻想图像

Adobe Photoshop 即使是旧版本也可以使用无需事先了解 Photoshop 或经验,只需从做项目开始
什么是 adobe photoshop 以及为什么必须通过合成和照片处理来学习它
Adobe Photoshop CC- 通过做真实项目从零到英雄学习
您是否正在寻找摄影工作和 广告设计?
好消息是我花了 4 个月的时间发明了合成黄金圈,它有 8 个步骤,通过在不到 10 分钟的时间内完成这些步骤,您可以创建魔术并将任何主题合成到任何背景或不同位置。
本课程最初将带您了解 Photoshop 的基础知识,并涵盖合成和照片处理。在每个项目结束时,您必须完成作业,完成后您可以进行下一个项目。
本课程适用对象:任何喜欢作为电影海报、广告设计师、视觉效果艺术家和专业摄影师工作的人都需要使用本课程并获得他们的 Photoshop 技能。新手、业余爱好者、平面设计师、动态图形艺术家、Illustrator 用户以及任何想要创建自己的合成图并从头开始编辑自己的照片的创意人员

Created by Soli Art | Published 6/2021
Duration: 7h 53m | 3 sections | 47 lectures | Video: 1280x720, 44 KHz | 5.9 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + Sub

Learn Photoshop CC from Scrach by Doing Compositing & Photo-Manipulation Projects for Poster, Cover, Photography

What you'll learn
You will be able to start earning money from your Photoshop Skills
You will have over 15 of your own projects to add to your portfolio
You will be able to add Music Cover to your CV
You will be able to add Advertising Poster to your CV
You will be able to take photo in a studio and composite it to different location
You will be able to mask anything… specially hair
You will create popular visual styles
You will be able to composite and do the professional photo manipulation
Create advertising
Create posters
Change the color or images
Create rim light
Create Light
You'll retouch a face to move pimples & freckles
You'll build a fantasy images with more than 10 projects
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Adobe Photoshop even the old version will workNo prior knowledge or experience with Photoshop is required just start by doing the projects
What is adobe photoshop and why you must learn it by doing compositing and photo manipulation
Adobe Photoshop CC- Zero to Hero Learn by Doing Real Projects
Do you want to work in Visual Effect Industry in Hollywood?
Do you want to create a movie poster for your work?
Do you want to creatve Music Cover Photo?
Are you in Low budget abd you want to be Successfull in Baby or wedding Photography bussiness ?
Are you looking for a job in photography and  advertising design?
Well the good news is I spent 4 month and inveted the Compositing Golden Circle which has 8 steps and by following these steps in less that 10 min you can create magics and composite any subject to any background or different locations.
If you are a beginner Do not worry I start from scrach so everyone can follow the steps.
This course initially takes you through the basics of Photoshop and covers the compositing and photo manipulation. by the end of each project you have to do your assignments and when you are done you can go for the next project.
This is a All in one course and belive me you will learn a lot from it
Who this course is for:Anyone who love to work as a movie poster , advertising designer, visual effect artisit and specially professional photographer need to use this course and get paid for their Photoshop skills. Newbie's, amateurs, graphic designers, motion graphics artists, Illustrator users, and any creatives who want to create their own composite and edit their own photos from scratch


2021-8-2 15:26:51

2021-8-2 15:26:56




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