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地形设计与创造电影场景全过程案例教学视频教程(英文)Wingfox – Terrain Design and Creation – A Whole-Process Case Teaching of Cinematic Scene with Alessandro Mancini

admin 2024-07-12 16次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
难度:高级| 10h| 2.30GB | 附带项目文件| 使用的软件:Photoshop时长 10 小时 项目文件包括 MP4题目:Wingfox——地形设计与创造——与亚历山德罗·曼奇尼(Alessandro Mancini)的电影场景全过程案例教学 信息: 本教程将教您如何绘制大型自然场景。本教...

难度:高级| 10h| 2.30GB | 附带项目文件| 使用的软件:Photoshop

地形设计与创造电影场景全过程案例教学视频教程(英文)Wingfox – Terrain Design and Creation – A Whole-Process Case Teaching of Cinematic Scene with Alessandro Mancini插图

时长 10 小时 项目文件包括 MP4

题目:Wingfox——地形设计与创造——与亚历山德罗·曼奇尼(Alessandro Mancini)的电影场景全过程案例教学

本教程侧重于构建地形的设计理念和基本元素。通过使用 World Machine、Blender、Vue 和 Photoshop,本教程将向您展示如何逐步创建地形。在顶级场景设计师的指导下,您将从最基础的部分学习3D地形构建的整个过程,并在同一工作流程中了解各种类型的软件的使用。您从本教程中学到的知识和技能将显着提高您在该领域的能力,并帮助您奠定学习数字绘画和 VFX 的基础。

Part 1.地形资产创建

本节重点介绍World Machine的基础知识,主要是地形创建和Erosion节点操作。它还介绍了为地形和河流创建添加纹理和颜色的技术。

Part 2.Tower 创建和映射


Part 3.Finish 渲染


Duration 10h Project Files Included MP4

Title: Wingfox – Terrain Design and Creation – A Whole-Process Case Teaching of Cinematic Scene with Alessandro Mancini
This tutorial will teach you how to paint a large-scale natural scene. Through in-depth case analysis of high-precision cinematic works, the tutorial adopts a learning method featuring multi-software interaction, high efficiency and high quality.

The tutorial focuses on the design philosophy and basic elements of building terrains. By using World Machine, Blender, Vue and Photoshop, the tutorial will show you how to create a terrain step by step. Instructed by a top-class scene designer, you will learn the entire process of 3D terrain building from the most fundamental part, and understand the use of various types of software in the same workflow. The knowledge and skills you learn from this tutorial will significantly improve your capability in this field, and help you lay a foundation of learning digital painting and VFX.

Part 1.Terrain asset creation

This section focuses on the basic knowledge of World Machine, mainly in terms of terrain creation and Erosion node operation. It also introduces the techniques of adding texture and color to terrain and river creation.

Part 2.Tower creation and mapping

This section is mainly about tower creation in the case, as well as how to make the tower more lifelike, by means of mapping, texturing and decoration.

Part 3.Finish rendering

This section is about the final and overall scene rendering, import into Photoshop, as well as the coloring technique and shading effect.


2021-11-18 14:39:29

2021-11-18 14:39:32



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