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Photoshop 平面设计完整基础学习课程视频教程(英文)Monster Level In Photoshop – The best tutorial for Beginners

admin 2024-07-12 13次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
难度:高级| 5h 29m| 3.54 GB | 附带项目文件| 使用的软件:PhotoshopMP4 |视频:h264,1280x720 |音频: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch 类型:在线学习 |语言:英语+srt |持续时间:24 个讲座 (5h 29m) |大小:3.54 GBPho...

难度:高级| 5h 29m| 3.54 GB | 附带项目文件| 使用的软件:Photoshop

Photoshop 平面设计完整基础学习课程视频教程(英文)Monster Level In Photoshop – The best tutorial for Beginners插图

MP4 |视频:h264,1280x720 |音频: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
类型:在线学习 |语言:英语+srt |持续时间:24 个讲座 (5h 29m) |大小:3.54 GB


您将学习如何保存 Photoshop 项目以供打印和 Web 使用。

任何版本的 Adob​​e Photoshop,最好不早于 Photoshop CS6。

大家好,我叫 Ismail Moqbel。在您学习 Photoshop 程序的整个过程中,我将成为您的老师。


您是否正在为自学 Photoshop 而苦苦挣扎和遇到困难?本课程将使您能够专业地使用 Photoshop。

在本课程中,我将教您有关开始使用 Photoshop 的知识。您将学习如何使用 Photoshop 进行平面设计和 Photoshop 润饰。本课程将帮助您获得理想的工作。

如果您以前从未打开过 Photoshop,或者您已经打开过 Photoshop 并且在基础知识方面苦苦挣扎,请跟随我,我们将一起学习如何使用 Photoshop 制作精美的图像。

本课程适用于初学者和中级。您不需要任何 Photoshop、摄影或设计方面的先验知识。我们将逐步开始工作。您将神奇地增强我们的背景,并在必要时从图像中完全删除人物。

这门课程的结构非常好 - 从简单到难的主题。也有很多详细的解释。


本课程将是任何想要在职业生涯中开始使用 Photoshop 并通过 Photoshop 技能获得报酬的人以及任何想要设计自己的图形和从头开始编辑自己的照片的创意人员的理想课程

它将更新到 2022 年


MP4 | Video: h264, 1280x720 | Audio: AAC, 44.1 KHz, 2 Ch
Genre: eLearning | Language: English + srt | Duration: 24 lectures (5h 29m) | Size: 3.54 GB

Full explanation of Photoshop

What you'll learn:
You'll learn all of the most important tools, plus how to edit photos, do touch-ups, crop social media pics, change backgrounds and more.
Explaining the program settings completely and professionally.
You'll know how to retouch photos to remove blemishes, fix red-eye, whiten teeth, and more.
You'll learn how to save your Photoshop projects for print and web.
You'll learn how to use the layers panel including creating and editing layer masks.
You'll learn how to select and edit just parts of your image with a number of selection tools.
Learn useful keyboard shortcuts and best practices
You will create amazingly realistic shadows.

No previous knowledge of Photoshop is required.
Any version of Adobe Photoshop, preferably not older than Photoshop CS6.

Hi there, my name is Ismail Moqbel. I will be your teacher throughout your journey to learn Photoshop program.

I would like to point that I am not native English speaker , I have tried delivering this course in a clear and simple language but I am sure that I made several grammatical and pronunciation mistakes , so please do forgive me for that.

Are you struggling and encounter difficulties to learn Photoshop on your own? This course will allow you to use Photoshop professionally.

In this course I will teach you what you need to know about getting started with Photoshop. You'll learn how to use Photoshop for use in Graphic Design & for Photoshop Retouching. This course will help your get your dream job.

If you have never opened Photoshop before or you have already opened Photoshop and are struggling with the basics, follow me and together we will learn how to make beautiful images using Photoshop.

This course is for beginners and intermediate. You do not need any prior knowledge of Photoshop, photography or design. We will start work our way through step by step. You will magically enhance our background and when necessary completely remove people from images.

This course is very good structured - from easy to hard topics. Also it has a lot of detailed explanations .

Who this course is for:

This course will be an ideal course for anyone who wants to start using Photoshop in their career & get paid for their Photoshop skills and any creatives who want to design their own graphics and edit their own photos from scratch

It will be updated up to a year 2022

Who this course is for
Over 13 years old


2021-11-18 14:39:33

2022-3-3 17:23:26



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