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后世界末日风格游戏环境深度学习视频教程(英文)Post-Apocalyptic Game Environment – In-Depth Tutorial Course

admin 2024-07-12 20次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
难度:高级| 21h| 20.39GB | 附带项目文件| 使用的软件:Maya包含时长 21 小时的项目文件 MP4后世界末日游戏环境 – 深度教程课程 信息: 你会学到什么 如何以智能的方式创建模块化资产,从而以很少的工作创建大型环境。 如何创建程序材料和贴花以涵盖大范围的变化。 如何为游戏创建...

难度:高级| 21h| 20.39GB | 附带项目文件| 使用的软件:Maya

后世界末日风格游戏环境深度学习视频教程(英文)Post-Apocalyptic Game Environment – In-Depth Tutorial Course插图

包含时长 21 小时的项目文件 MP4

后世界末日游戏环境 – 深度教程课程

后世界末日游戏环境 - 深度教程课程



所有建模都将在 Maya 中完成,但是,所使用的技术是通用的,可以在任何其他 3d 建模包中复制。材质将使用 Substance Designer 和 Substance Painter 创建,并将在 marmoset toolbag 4 中预览。树叶将使用 Maya 和 Speedtree 的组合创建,关卡将在虚幻引擎 4 中构建。


21 小时!

本课程包含超过 21 小时的内容 – 您可以跟随每一步 – 该课程确实包含一些小的时间间隔,这只是为了加快非常重复的任务,其余的都是实时完成的。
我们将首先创建我们的块,以确保我们的模块化部分工作并且组成是正确的。然后,我们会将这些转化为最终资产。随着最终资产,我们将创建我们的程序材料和独特的纹理。我们将在 UE4 中将它们整合在一起,并开始创建和放置我们的贴花。我们将用我们的第一个光照通道完成工作,然后将焦点集中到我们的树叶上。我们将使用 Speedtree 和 Maya 来创建多种类型的树叶。我们将在 Unreal 中引入树叶并放置它,为我们的场景添加一般改进并绘制我们的地形。最后,我们将用一些关于如何使用 Megascans 进一步提升您的水平的奖励章节来结束。


本游戏美术教程非常适合熟悉 Maya、Substance Designer/Painter、Speedtree 和 Unreal Engine 4 等 3d 建模工具的学生——本教程中的所有内容都将详细解释。但是,如果您之前从未接触过任何建模或纹理工具,我们建议您先观看这些程序的介绍教程(您可以在 Youtube 上免费找到其中许多或在这个网站上付费)


玛雅 2020


适用于 UE4 的 Speedtree

虚幻引擎 4

Marmoset 工具包 4


Duration 21h Project Files Included MP4

Post-Apocalyptic Game Environment – In-Depth Tutorial Course
What you’ll learn
How to create modular assets in a smart way to create large environments with little work.
How to create procedural materials and decals to cover a large range of variation.
How to create foliage for games.
How to do environment level art, composition and lighting.
How to think like an environment artist.

Post-Apocalyptic Game Environment – In-Depth Tutorial Course

Learn how a professional environment artist works when creating environments for games. You’ll learn techniques like Modular Modeling, Procedural Texturing, Unique Texturing, Decal Creation, Composition, Level Art, Lighting – and much more!


All the modeling will be done in Maya, However, the techniques used are universal and can be replicated in any other 3d modeling package. The materials will be created using Substance Designer and Substance Painter, and they will be previewed in marmoset toolbag 4. The foliage will be created using a combination of Maya and Speedtree and the level will be built in Unreal Engine 4.

In this course, you will learn everything you need to know to create the final results that you see in the images and trailers. Next to this, the same techniques can be applied to almost any type of environment.


This course contains over 21 hours of content – You can follow along with every single step – The course does inclose a few small time lapses, this is just to speed up very repetitive tasks, the rest is done in real-time.
We will start by creating our blockout to make sure our modular pieces work and that the composition is correct. We will then turn these into final assets. Along with the final assets, we will create our procedural materials and unique textures. We will bring it all together in UE4 and start creating and placing our decals. we will finish things off with our first lighting pass and then draw focus to our foliage. where we will use Speedtree and Maya to create multiple types of foliage. We will bring the foliage in Unreal and place it, add general improvements to our scene and paint our terrain. Finally, we will finish off with some bonus chapters on how to use Megascans to push your level even more.


This game art tutorial is perfect for students who have some familiarity with a 3d Modeling tool like Maya, Substance Designer/Painter, Speedtree, and Unreal Engine 4– Everything in this tutorial will be explained in detail. However, if you have never touched any modeling or texturing tools before we recommend that you first watch an introduction tutorial of those programs (you can find many of these for free on Youtube or paid on this very website)


Maya 2020

Substance Designer and Substance Painter

Speedtree For UE4

Unreal Engine 4

Marmoset Toolbag 4



2021-8-30 11:56:17

2021-8-30 11:56:20



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