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The G-Spot of the Bed and Art”模型下载

admin 2024-06-17 9次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Ramon Zancaro的场景“The G-Spot of the Bed and Art”模型下载Complete 3D file with all the setups for lights, Materials etc;完整的3D文件附带灯光设置,材质等等。All the textures;...

Ramon Zancaro的场景“The G-Spot of the Bed and Art”模型下载

Complete 3D file with all the setups for lights, Materials etc;


All the textures;


All the Post production images in PSD format for you to study;


2 presets for render, one utilised on the scene (VERY High settings) and one alternative.


You will receive absolute everything from G-Spot, the 3D file with  all the setups to generate the images and also the PDS files showing my  post Production work flow to generate the final published images.

你将从G-Spot收到所有的东西,3 d文件和所有的设置,渲染的图片和psd文件展示我的后期流程,最终图片等等。


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