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8 New Masters Academy Figure Drawing

admin 2024-06-16 20次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
8部New Masters Academy出品的手绘教学。应版权商要求,不提供下载,详情参考网站规则 New Masters Academy - An Introduction to Composition - Glenn Vilppu,构成导论。 New Masters Academy - Con...

8部New Masters Academy出品的手绘教学。



New Masters Academy - An Introduction to Composition - Glenn Vilppu,构成导论。


New Masters Academy - Constructing the Human Figure,构建人体。


New Masters Academy - Creating Movement and Force - Glenn Vilppu,创建运动和力。


New Masters Academy - Intro to Animal Anatomy 1-10,动物解剖学简洁1-10。


New Masters Academy - The Use of Opposites - Glen Vilppu,对立的使用。


NMA - Danny Galieote - Key Elements of Figure Drawing,角色绘制的关键要素。


NMA - Steve Huston - Exploring Gesture and Structure,探索姿势与结构。


NMA - Steve Huston - Intro to the Laws of Light,介绍光线的规律。

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