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Phlearn - How to Make Stars and Fog in Photoshop

admin 2024-06-16 12次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Phlearn - How to Make Stars and Fog in PhotoshopPhlearn - 如何在Photoshop制作星星和雾效果 制作自定义画笔是一个伟大的方式来增加了很多非常有细节的照片。在今天的教程中,我们用了一些设置,这将使你的画笔做出这样的效果。光绘画这张没有经过...

Phlearn - How to Make Stars and Fog in Photoshop

Phlearn - 如何在Photoshop制作星星和雾效果





How to Make Stars and Fog in Photoshop
Custom Brushes

Making custom brushes is a great easy way to add a lot of great detail  to a photo. In today’s episode we go over some settings that will make  your brushes even better. Both brushes we make in today’s episode are  available here free.

Light Painting

The light streaks in this photo are not photoshoped in, they were  actually there. To get an effect like this just use a light source such  as a flashlight or a cell phone and move it around during a long  exposure. For this photo, we used a 6 second exposure and I ran behind  Amelia with my iPhone to create to light streak.

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