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Digital-Tutors - Introduction to Animation in 3ds Max 2014

admin 2024-06-16 4次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Digital Tutors - Introduction to Animation in 3ds Max 2014Digital Tutors - 3ds Max2014 动画入门所用软件:Autodesk 3ds Max的2014 你将学到什么:在此3ds Max的教程中,我们将学习3ds Ma...

Digital Tutors - Introduction to Animation in 3ds Max 2014

Digital Tutors - 3ds Max2014 动画入门

所用软件:Autodesk 3ds Max的2014



在此3ds Max的教程中,我们将学习3ds Max的动画工具。我们将探索一切,从如何设置动画的喜好和创建关键帧,学习3ds Max中的trackbar和曲线编辑器。

我们将学习如何制作动画对象沿着一条路径,如何使用非破坏性的动画层,以及如何制作动画的链接约束。我们甚至还可以学习如何使用3ds Max中的新的人群仿真工具。

培训结束时,你将会拥有你需要的3ds Max动画的理解。


Software used

Autodesk 3ds Max 2014

What you will learn

In this 3ds Max tutorial we will learn about the  animation tools of 3ds Max. We'll explore everything from how to set up  animation preferences and create key frames, to learning how animation  can be modified from 3ds Max's Trackbar and Curve Editor.

We'll  learn how to animate objects along a path, how to work  non-destructively with animation layers, and how to animate with the  Link Constraint. We'll even learn how to work with Populate, 3ds Max's  new crowd simulation tool.

By the end of the training, you'll be equipped with the understanding you need to animate comfortably inside of 3ds Max.

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