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Digital Tutors - Enhancing Automotive Design Concepts in 3ds Max and Photoshop

admin 2024-06-16 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Digital Tutors - Enhancing Automotive Design Concepts in 3ds Max and PhotoshopDigital Tutors - 在3ds Max 和 Photoshop 中即兴设计汽车 使用软件:3ds Max, Photoshop, H...

Digital Tutors - Enhancing Automotive Design Concepts in 3ds Max and Photoshop

Digital Tutors - 在3ds Max 和 Photoshop 中即兴设计汽车


使用软件:3ds Max, Photoshop, HDR Light Studio


在本系列教程中,我们将学习如何在3ds Max和Photoshop中即兴设计汽车。这部分是设计为主,部分基于技能的培训,涵盖提示和技巧,尽可能高效率的设计,即兴的想法,和建模。我们将着眼于如何编辑现有的模型,创建干净的拓扑结构和细节,更快速地使用各种工具在3ds Max中。我们将采取现有的车型来帮助生成3D的想法。从那里,我们将创建各种工作模式,以帮助我们找到灵感,开发成品设计。我们会向您介绍一些快速的方法在Photoshop中快速渲染产生一些概念形象,我们将着眼于轮毂,格栅和灯的设计。最后,我们用一个简单的方法,让你的工作渲染出视觉效果。


In  this series of tutorials we will learn how to improvise a car design  using 3ds Max and Photoshop. This training is partly design-based and  partly skill-based, covering  tips and tricks to do with designing, improvising ideas, and modeling as  efficiently as possible.  We will look at how to edit existing  models, create clean topology and details more quickly using various  tools in 3ds Max. We will take existing car models to help generate  ideas directly in 3D. From there we will create various working-models  to help us find inspiration and develop a finished design.  We’ll  be introducing you to some fast methods in Photoshop to rework quick  renders of your working models to generate some concept images to get  you started. We will look at improvising wheels, a grill and the lights  to finish up the design. Lastly, we'll go over a straightforward method  to render out visuals of your work so you can present your models and  design more effectivel.


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