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Photigy - 产品摄影和Photoshop后期处理教程合集

admin 2024-06-16 5次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Photigy - 产品摄影和Photoshop后期处理教程合集,60.1GB.Photigy - Advertising Beverage Photography,广告饮料摄影Photigy - High-end Jewelry Photography, Workshop #60,高端珠宝摄影Ph...

Photigy - 产品摄影和Photoshop后期处理教程合集,60.1GB.

Photigy - Advertising Beverage Photography,广告饮料摄影
Photigy - High-end Jewelry Photography, Workshop #60,高端珠宝摄影
Photigy - Holiday Photography Workshop,假日摄影工作坊
Photigy - In-camera creative effects for commercial product photography,商业产品摄影中的摄影创意效果
Photigy - Interior Photography for Professionals,专业室内摄影
Photigy - Jewelry for Wedding Photographers,婚礼摄影师的珠宝
Photigy - Jewelry Photography Golden Pendant Shot,珠宝摄影金吊坠拍摄
Photigy - Magical bubbles for advertising photographers,广告摄影师的神奇泡泡
Photigy - Making an Advertisement for Food Company - Wildberry Splash, Workshop #50,为食品公司做广告
Photigy - Photo Editing Tutorial - Retouching Google Glass,图片编辑教程-修饰谷歌玻璃
Photigy - Professional Jewelry Photography,专业珠宝摄影
                360° Video Course for Jewelry Photographers,珠宝摄影师视频课程
               Creative Jewelry Photography course, The Diamond Drop,创意珠宝摄影课程,钻石滴
               Jewelry Tabletop Photography + post-production,珠宝桌面摄影+后期制作
               Light Painting for Jewelry Photographers,珠宝摄影师的光绘教程
               Luxury Jewelry Photography Course - Part 1 (studio shooting),奢华珠宝摄影课程-第1部分(摄影棚拍摄)
               Secrets Of Polarized Light in Jewelry Photography,珠宝摄影中偏振光的秘密
Photigy - Ret Whicky Bottle,威士忌酒瓶摄影教程
Photigy - Studio Product Photography Course产品摄影课程


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