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Kyle Real Watercolor no vid

admin 2024-06-16 9次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Kyle Real Watercolor no vid Photoshop CS5 以及以上版本的水彩效果插件。 多年来,插画家一直试图用Photoshop制作水彩效果,通常收效甚微。我们大多数人必须搭配使用不同的滤镜,不切实际的 湿边 画笔设置,叠加纹理,或其他特殊效果,创造马虎的效果,而一套真正...

Kyle Real Watercolor no vid


Photoshop CS5 以及以上版本的水彩效果插件。


多年来,插画家一直试图用Photoshop制作水彩效果,通常收效甚微。我们大多数人必须搭配使用不同的滤镜,不切实际的 湿边 画笔设置,叠加纹理,或其他特殊效果,创造马虎的效果,而一套真正优秀的开箱即用的水彩笔刷都还没有推出...而这套工具正是弥补这个市场的产品。


Photoshop CS5 required *

For years, Illustrators have been trying to recreate watercolor effects  with Photoshop, usually with little success. Most of us must resort to  using different filters, the impractical 'wet edges' brush setting,  overlaid textures, or other special effects to create passable results,  but a truly excellent set of 'out of the box' watercolor brushes has not  been available that is, until now. My Real Watercolors have  incredible properties that are unlike anything else on the market. With  OVER 50 finely-tuned watercolor brushes, including bonus tools like  Spatter, Salt, and Soft Edger, anything is possible. These brushes  produce natural wet edge effects, bleeds, and textures without the aid  of any layer effects or added texture layers. You simply paint on your  canvas.  Want to see them in action? Watch a VIDEO here.

Combining the brushes leads to even more impressive effects. And, with  the addition of the salt, alcohol, spatter, and soft blenders, you can  quickly add finishing touches that take your digital watercolor images  to the next level. With these tools, you will have complete control over  the paint; you can even produce happy accidents and interesting  surprises, as well, by varying pen pressure and direction, much like  real watercolors. There are brushes for detail work, broad washes, and  everything in between. Most importantly, these brushes are just a heck  of a lot of fun.

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