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BOOM Library - Guns Designed WAV

admin 2024-06-16 4次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
BOOM Library - Guns Designed WAV,BOOM Library 的枪械声音库。 本品含有17武器,每个4次射击,4种不同风格(轻,脆的,真实的,超现实的),加了很多处理每种武器的声音。所有声音中,96kHz/24bit的设置一个新的质量标准,并可用于你最好的高清项目。主要...

BOOM Library - Guns Designed WAV,BOOM Library 的枪械声音库。








You don't have time to design your own  unique weapon sounds? No worries over 350 ready to use royalty free  gun sounds can be found in our Guns Designed collection.

This product contains 17 weapons, 4 shots each, in 4 different style  sets (Light, Crispy, Realistic, Larger than Life), plus a lot of  handling sounds for each weapon. All of the sounds on this collection  were designed by uniquely using the source recordings of the "Guns -  Construction Kit".

All sounds are provided in 96kHz/24bit to set a new quality standard and give you only the best for your HD projects.

Key Features

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