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aardolino 网站的2个石头制作软件

admin 2024-06-16 5次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
www.aardolino.com 网站的两个max脚本工具。 maxscript - aa Rock Generator 程序岩石生成器,用于制作真实环境中的岩石。procedural rock generator for production and real time environments...

www.aardolino.com 网站的两个max脚本工具。


maxscript - aa Rock Generator 


procedural rock generator for production and real time environments.


aa stone placement tools


This script creates stone walls, quad stones pavements and irregular stone patterns for various uses. It’s suitable for both realtime and production.

this script collects some utilities for the creation of stone walls, stone pavements and an irregular stone pattern to simulate both walls and floors.

the script automatically bakes normal maps, AO maps and height maps for realtime use.

the images from the video are rendering of some script-generated patterns, without any material, only postproduction and compositing.

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