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ArtBeats - 天主教堂高清视频素材

admin 2024-06-16 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
ArtBeats - Catholics HDArtBeats - 天主教堂高清视频素材 这些华丽明亮的影像会夺走你的呼吸!阳光从窗户那里射入,神父和修女祈祷...,感觉好像你站在一个牧师旁边观察圣餐,或站在背诵主祷文的会众后面,30段1920X1080视频素材,15.9GB These gorge...

ArtBeats - Catholics HD

ArtBeats - 天主教堂高清视频素材



These gorgeously lit, engaging images will take your breath away!  Sunlight streams through windows where priests and nuns enter to pray  and a woman marks her prayers on a rosary. Feel as though you're  standing next to a priest observing Eucharist, or stand with the  congregation reciting the Lord's Prayer. Truly a moving collection that  includes accurate celebrations and representations.



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