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Red Giant Automatic Duck Media Copy & Ximport AE

admin 2024-06-16 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Automatic Duck X Import AE & Media copy 4.0 Mac OSXRed Giant Automatic Duck Media Copy v4.0.1 winRed Giant Automatic Duck Media Copy v4.0.2 winAut...

Automatic Duck X Import AE & Media copy 4.0 Mac OSX

Red Giant Automatic Duck Media Copy v4.0.1 win

Red Giant Automatic Duck Media Copy v4.0.2 win

Automatic Duck Ximport AE Mac Full V104 CC2017

Automatic Duck Ximport AE,一个强大的After Effects插件,用来导入XML文件从Final Cut Pro X,这个插件提供了最完整的工作流来支持从把Final Cut Pro X的时间线转入到Adobe After Effects。


Automatic Duck Media Copy是一个非常有用的工具,用来读取Avid的AAF或Final Cut Pro 7或Final Cut Pro X导出的的XML文件,并复制其媒体文件到您指定的位置。这使得它很容易识别和复制你需要为的一个特定的AAF或XML文件媒体。你可以将媒体档案归档,或者发送到另一台电脑上。


Automatic Duck Ximport AE, a powerful new After Effects plug-in from Automatic Duck that imports XML files from Final Cut Pro X. This plug-in offers the most complete workflow for translating a timeline from Final Cut Pro X to Adobe After Effects.

Automatic Duck Media Copy is a very helpful utility that reads Avid AAF exports or XML files from Final Cut Pro 7 or Final Cut Pro X and copies the media files referenced by the project to a location you specify. This makes it very easy to identify and copy the media you need for a specific AAF or XML File. You can archive the media, or perhaps send to another computer.

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