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Artstation - Ultimate Environmental Texture Creation Course

admin 2024-06-16 5次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Artstation - Ultimate Environmental Texture Creation Course终极环境材质创作课程。在本课程中,您将学习如何创建从程序材质到雕刻材质再到摄影测量材质的所有内容。使用软件:Substance DesignerSubstance PainterZb...

Artstation - Ultimate Environmental Texture Creation Course




Substance Designer

Substance Painter


Reality Capture

Marmoset Toolbag 4



本课程包含超过14.5小时的内容。所有的视频都被划分为每种材料,并正确命名。我们将首先使用Substance Designer创建一个基本的瓷砖材质,这对于初学者来说是一个完美的材质。完成后,我们将继续使用100%substance designer创建高级柏油路面材料。然后,我们将讨论如何使用Zbrush中的雕刻和Substance Designer中的纹理组合来创建材质。最后,我将向您展示如何使用摄影测量捕捉材质,并将它们转换为完美的可平铺2d材质。所有烘焙和最终渲染将使用Marmoset Toolbag 4完成




Ultimate Environmental Texture Creation Course

Learn every technique you need to create tileable materials for both games and film all in one course!

In this course, you will learn how to create everything from procedural materials to sculpted materials to photogrammetry materials.


In this course, we will go over how to create both beginner and advanced procedural materials using Substance Designer.

We will go over how to sculpt materials using Zbrush and Substance Designer, And we will go over how to scan photogrammetry materials and convert them into 3d using Reality Capture.

14.5 HOURS!

This course contains over 14.5 hours of content. all the videos are divided up - per material and correctly named. We will start by creating a basic tiles material using Substance Designer, this is a perfect material for beginners. Once that is done we will move on to creating an advanced tarmac material also using 100% substance designer. We will then go over how to create a material that using a combination of sculpting in Zbrush and Texturing in Substance Designer. Finally, I will show you how to capture materials using photogrammetry and convert them into a perfect tileable 2d material. All the baking and final renders will be done using Marmoset Toolbag 4


This course includes content for every skill level, From beginner to advanced. I do recommend that you know the bare bones of the programs we use (meaning knowing what the program is and how to navigate) but beyond that point, you should be able to follow along with every material.


Substance Designer

Substance Painter


Reality Capture

Marmoset Toolbag 4


Emiel Sleegers is a senior environment and material artist currently working in the AAA Game Industry. He’s worked on games like The Division 2 + DLC at Ubisoft, Forza Horizon 3 at Playground Games, and as a Freelancer on multiple projects as an Environment Artist and Material Artist.


The chapters are divided up into 5 folders

Folder 1 - How to create a basic substance designer material, This chapter includes 5 video files with a run-time of 1h40m

Folder 2 - How to create an advanced substance designer material, This chapter includes 15 video files with a run-time of 4h50m

Folder 3 - How to create a sculpted material, This chapter includes 16 video files with a run-time of 4h50m

Folder 4 - How to create photogrammetry materials, This chapter includes 8 video files with a run-time of 2h

Folder 5 - Bonus Chapters (polishing materials and creating unreal scene), This chapter includes 2 video files with a run-time of 1h

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