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Poliigon Fabric Brushes

admin 2024-06-16 7次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Poliigon Fabric BrushesPoliigon网站的这78个布纹笔刷取代了手工雕刻细节的冗长过程,并把它变成一个笔触笔触。只要把它们拖到你的网格上,你就能从真实的织物扫描和照片参考中得到准确的褶皱、皱纹和细节模型。psd 和 zbp格式。These 78 brushes take t...

Poliigon Fabric Brushes


psd 和 zbp格式。

These 78 brushes take the tedious process of manually sculpting detail, and turn it into one brush stroke.

By just dragging them onto your mesh you're getting accurate folds, wrinkles and detail from real fabric scans and photo refs.


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