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Udemy - Adam Marelli - Room for Improvement - Art of Seeing - Figure to Ground - Finding Light

admin 2024-06-16 3次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Udemy - Adam Marelli - Room for Improvement - Art of Seeing - Figure to Ground - Finding Light亚当·马雷利 - 改善空间是第一个开始训练你最重要的工具 - 眼睛的摄影项目。虽然摄影界的大多数人都痴迷于设备和...

Udemy - Adam Marelli - Room for Improvement - Art of Seeing - Figure to Ground - Finding Light

亚当·马雷利 - 改善空间是第一个开始训练你最重要的工具 - 眼睛的摄影项目。虽然摄影界的大多数人都痴迷于设备和后期制作,但拍摄精彩照片的真正秘诀是学会如何像艺术家一样看待事物。加入艺术家兼摄影师Adam Marelli,分享经典艺术家将图像带入生活的工具、课程和培训。作为一名训练有素的摄影师、画家和雕塑家,马雷利将20年的艺术教育融入到简单易学的课程中,你可以在自己的后院里学习。

Adam Marelli is a traditional artist, painter, and he breaks down the basics and fundamentals of art and how it applies to photography. Very easy to follow and extremely powerful. Cannot recommend enough.

A Room for Improvement is the first photography program that starts training your most important tool, Your Eyes. While most of the photography world is obsessed with gear and post production, the real secret to taking amazing images is learning how to see like an artist. Join artist & photographer Adam Marelli as he shares the tools, lessons, and training that classical artist use to bring images to life. As a trained photographer, painter, and sculptor Marelli combines twenty years of art eduction into simple to follow lessons that you can do in your own backyard.


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