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Lens Distortions Footages - 4K Classic Light Hits

admin 2024-06-16 5次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Lens Distortions Footages - 4K Classic Light Hits4k尺寸的经典灯光效果视频素材,14.7GB经典的光照是柔软、温暖和自然的……每个电影制作者都应该拥有的闪光的基本库。无论你是做电影广告,叙事项目,还是婚礼电影,你都会喜欢有能力在画面上撒一点光来增加额...

Lens Distortions Footages - 4K Classic Light Hits



Classic Light Hits is soft, warm, and natural… the essential library of flares every filmmaker should own.

Whether you make cinematic commercials, narrative projects, or wedding films, you’ll love having the ability to splash a bit of light into frame to add that extra something.


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