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Rebelway - Advanced Explosion FX

admin 2024-06-16 8次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Rebelway - Advanced Explosion FX胡迪尼已经成为特效行业的热门工具。是不可阻挡的。唯一的缺点是胡迪尼很难学,而且学习曲线很陡峭。在这门VFX课程中,你将学习如何从头到尾创建一个高度逼真的核爆炸镜头和各种其他爆炸类型。Houdini has become the go-t...

Rebelway - Advanced Explosion FX


Houdini has become the go-to tool in the FX industry. Whoever wields its power is unstoppable. The only downside is Houdini can be difficult to learn and the learning curve is steep.

In this VFX course, you will learn how to create a highly realistic nuclear explosion shot and various other explosion types from beginning to end. 

Inspiring VFX Courses for Modern FX Artists.

Real-world VFX courses and coaching.

Learn, share and grow together.

Learn the FX techniques and pipelines used at the world's most successful studios.

Explore the latest VFX trends and techniques with up-to-date courses covering the latest software releases.

Accelerate your FX career with courses designed to help artists learn FX techniques as quickly as possible.

Land your dream job by gaining the skills you need to stand out from the crowd.

Learn at your own pace. No Zoom links or live sessions.

This is your opportunity to grow your skills and achieve your VFX goals.


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