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vertex 杂志

admin 2024-06-16 3次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
vertex vol1vertex vol2 专业的CG视频游戏开发技巧和窍门的杂志。 这是属于每一个游戏艺术家的最全面的免费资源之一。这本电子书涵盖了从造型,色彩理论和纹理,甚至如何设置您的项目,作为一个成功的自由职业者不可或缺的杂志。 Professional Video Game Develo...

vertex vol1

vertex vol2





Professional Video Game Development Tips And Tricks.

This is one of the most comprehensive free resources that belongs in every game-artists’ library. This eBook covers everything from Sculpting, Color Theory, and Texturing and even how to set you up as a successful Freelancer. The book even has articles and workflows from studios such as Naughty Dog and Blizzard Entertainment.

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