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New Masters Academy - Renaissance Head Drawing with Joshua Jacobo (Live Class) [January 2022]

admin 2024-06-16 12次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
New Masters Academy - Renaissance Head Drawing with Joshua Jacobo (Live Class) [January 2022]约书亚·雅各布文艺复兴时期的头部绘画教程(现场课程)[2022年1月],41.8GB。在这个为期8周的现场课程中,...

New Masters Academy - Renaissance Head Drawing with Joshua Jacobo (Live Class) [January 2022]


在这个为期8周的现场课程中,由NMA创始人约书亚·雅各布(Joshua Jacobo)提出的文艺复兴时期的头部绘画大师格伦·维尔普(Glenn Vilppu)将教您他独特的头部绘画方法,植根于古代大师的传统方法。您将学习如何用三维来说明肖像。您将掌握头部的结构,平面和解剖结构。Glenn还将教你一种捕捉面部表情的方法,从那里,他将向你展示如何从想象中画出头部。在分享他的技术时,Glenn将帮助您实现创建轻松而令人信服的图纸的能力。

In this 8-week Live Class, Renaissance Head Drawing, presented by NMA founder Joshua Jacobo, master draftsperson Glenn Vilppu will teach you his unique approach to drawing the head, rooted in the traditions of the Old Masters. You will learn how to illustrate the portrait with three-dimensionality. You will master the construction, planes, and anatomy of the head. Glenn will also teach you an approach to capture facial expressions, and from there, he will show you how to draw the head from imagination. In sharing his technique, Glenn will help you achieve the ability to create effortless yet convincing drawings.


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