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How to Draw and Paint Fantasy Architecture

admin 2024-06-16 8次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
How to Draw and Paint  Fantasy Architecture: From Ancient Citadels and Gothic Castles to  Subterranean Palaces and Floating Fortresses如何绘制幻想建筑:从古代堡垒,哥...

How to Draw and Paint  Fantasy Architecture: From Ancient Citadels and Gothic Castles to  Subterranean Palaces and Floating Fortresses


高级的幻想插画导览,建议和指导追求电脑游戏,儿童读物,图画小说,以及其他相关媒体的艺术学生。这本书的开篇第一章分析了传统建筑的形状,包括拱门,立柱,塔楼,墓穴,和扶壁。后面的章节讲解建筑的照明,阴影和透视原理,并讨论创建表面纹理和增加戏剧性气氛的插图的方法。读者然后通过一系列他们创造梦幻城堡,宫殿,地下城,梦幻般的建筑,陌生的建筑...... 杂志包括250多张富有启发性的彩色插图。

Advice and instruction from a leading fantasy illustrator guides art  students who intend to pursue careers illustrating computer games,  children's books, graphic novels, and other related media. This book's  opening chapter analyzes traditional architectural shapes that include  arches, columns, towers, vaults, and buttresses. Chapters that follow  apply principles of lighting, shadow, and perspective to the  architectural forms, and discuss ways of creating surface textures and  adding dramatic atmosphere to illustrations. Readers are then guided  through a series of projects of increasing complexity in which they  create illustrations dominated by fantasy castles, palaces, dungeons,  and more. Here is comprehensive instruction in the techniques required  for capturing fantastic buildings, alien architecture, and alternate  realities. More than 250 enlightening color illustrations.


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