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admin 2024-06-16 4次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
livemeasure max2012 and up3dsmax脚本,可以实时测量并显示边缘长度、线段长度和面的面积。支持样条线、可编辑多边形和可编辑网格对象以及“编辑多边形”修改器。Measure and show edges length, segments length and faces a...

livemeasure max2012 and up



Measure and show edges length, segments length and faces area in real time. Work with Splines, Editable_Poly and  Editable_mesh objects and Edit_Poly modifier.

--        In Polygon/Element sub-object level will show the selected faces area in generic units only.

--        In Edge/Border sub-object level will show the length of selected edges in user defined units.

--        In vertex sub-object level, when vertex is move will show the length of edges that is common for the selected vertex.

--        If top sub-object level is active will show the dimension of the selected object.

The edge/segment length and face area will update when the edges/segments/faces are scaled or when the vertex is moved.

In top left corner of the viewport will be shown the total face area or total edge length.

Thanks to kilad now the script work with max2012 and up(download LiveMeasureMAX2012.ms)

Install: drag-n-drop the LiveMeasure_v1.ms in 3ds max. Go to Customize-Customize User Interface-"miauu" caegory. Assignt to a hotkey. The script work as a toggle - press the hotkey to start, press again to stop the script.

Script idea by @harumscarum.

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