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FXPHD - HOU230 - Realistic Destruction Workflows

admin 2024-06-16 5次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
FXPHD - HOU230 - Realistic Destruction Workflows本课程将指导您使用Houdini和Bullet完成最新的销毁效果工作流程。在本课程中,技术方法和眼睛开发结合在一起,您将被引导完成整个销毁过程,产生真实的最终结果。真实的破坏始于参考和高质量的代表性裂缝。...

FXPHD - HOU230 - Realistic Destruction Workflows



This course will guide you through the latest destruction processes and workflows using Houdini and Bullet. Technical methods as well as eye development come together in the course and you'll be guided through the complete destruction process, producing a realistic final result.

Realistic destruction starts with reference and high quality, representative fractures. Constraints between rigid body objects should be varied and appropriate based on material type. Testing for realism can be performed prior to simulation and the simulation can be assessed both as a scientist as well as an animator. Post motion processing can final a tough destruction shot in days instead of weeks.


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