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The Pixel Lab - Blemish Pro

admin 2024-06-16 4次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
The Pixel Lab - Blemish ProBlemish Pro是一款新的motion design产品,它可以让你的渲染更加逼真。这是一个包含100个专业设计的脏迹贴图包,你可以在你的粗糙度通道使用,将立即给你的对象刮痕,污迹,指纹,污垢和难以置信的现实主义效果。它们都有非常高精度的8...

The Pixel Lab - Blemish Pro

Blemish Pro是一款新的motion design产品,它可以让你的渲染更加逼真。


Blemish Pro is a new motion design product to dial in the realism of your renders. It’s a pack of 100 professionally designed grunge maps that you can use in your roughness channel that will immediately give your object scratches, smudges, fingerprints, grime and incredible realism. They are all extremely detailed and are 8k resolution so you can zoom way in and still have beautiful results.


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