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admin 2024-06-16 3次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Assemblme 1.60AssembleMe是Blender的一个附加组件,它使逐层动画高效且无损。Blender提供了优秀的物理和粒子模拟工具。AssembleMe提供了一个直观高效的工作流程,用于在几秒钟内创建(和调整)积木装配和拆卸动画。Iterative object assembly...

Assemblme 1.60


Iterative object assembly animations made simple

AssemblMe is an add-on for Blender that makes layer-by-layer animation efficient and non-destructive. Blender offers excellent physics and particle simulation tools, but when you've got a final resting place for your objects, you'll find yourself keyframing each object individually. AssemblMe provides an intuitive and efficient workflow for creating (and adjusting) assembly and disassembly animations in seconds.


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