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Udemy - Advanced Scene Creation for Games with Arash

admin 2024-06-16 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Udemy - Advanced Scene Creation for Games with ArashUdemy - Blender,Substance,Unreal engine 创建加油站模型,纹理和游戏场景教程,32.1GB。我们将首先查看参考资料,在这种情况下,我们没有实际的概念艺术。因此...

Udemy - Advanced Scene Creation for Games with Arash

Udemy - Blender,Substance,Unreal engine 创建加油站模型,纹理和游戏场景教程,32.1GB。

我们将首先查看参考资料,在这种情况下,我们没有实际的概念艺术。因此,我们通过现有照片创建一个基调板,然后在脑海中将它们组合起来,以了解最终产品。然后,为了确保这个想法能够奏效,我们将设置场景的块,以了解环境的规模、构图和概率。然后我们将开始生成艺术来取代 blcokout,我们以迭代的方式进行,我们不会一次性制作任何东西;而是分多个步骤进行。我们将为这个项目创建很多道具和纹理,我们了解哪些道具更重要,为什么?当然,在某些道具上牺牲质量,将节省的时间和精力用于另一个更重要的道具。我们专注于材质创建以及如何重复使用相同的材质,以及如何在多个用例的多个场景中更改它。我们将学习如何设置模块化环境以及如何通过使用顶点混合贴花和设置敷料道具来清除重复。游戏都是为了提高性能而储蓄,因此我们将学习一些简单的技术来提高工作效率。最后,将有一些与视觉特效和光照相关的内容。

We will first start by taking a look at references, in this scenario we do not have an actual concept art. So we create a mood board by existing photos and then combine them in our mind to get a sense of the final product. Then to make sure that the idea is going to work, we will set up a blockout of the scene to get a feeling about the scale, composition and probability of the environment. Then we will start to generate art to replace the blcokout, and we do it in an iterative fashion, we do not make anything in one go; but rather we do it in multiple steps. We are going to create a lot of props and textures for this project, and we learn which props are more important and why? And of course where to sacrifice quality on some props to put that saved time and energy for another more important prop. We have a focus on material creation and how to reuse the same material and changing it in multiple scenarios for multiple use cases. We will learn about setting up a modular environment and how to clear the repetition by using vertex blending decals and set dressing props. And games are all about saving for performance, so we are going to learn some simple techniques to work more efficiently. Finally, there is going to be some content relative to the VFX and lighting.


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