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admin 2024-06-16 4次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
ESI ProCAST 2021.5 Suitex64有限元铸造工艺模拟软件。ProCAST允许在开发阶段的早期进行虚拟测试。准确预测和量化缺陷和工艺设计对于在生产试验中“正确处理”至关重要。有了ESI ProCAST,你可以每次都正确地铸造零件,永远不要在报废零件或后期重新设计上浪费金钱。几十年来...

ESI ProCAST 2021.5 Suitex64


有了ESI ProCAST,你可以每次都正确地铸造零件,永远不要在报废零件或后期重新设计上浪费金钱。几十年来,客户一直依赖ProCAST作为他们的铸造基础工具 - 填充、凝固和孔隙率预测。借助有限元技术,它还预测了变形和残余应力等复杂问题,并全面解决了大多数铸造合金和大多数铸造工艺,如砂型铸造、压铸、熔模铸造以及与这些工艺相关的多种变体。


Your first off-tool parts are finally available, only for you to realize they contain pinholes, shrinkage, or hot spots. With your deadline staring you in the face, you can either ship the parts and undoubtedly deal with an unhappy customer or go back to the design stage and try to identify the problem, correct it, and hope it is finally free from defects. And because the trial period in the casting development schedule is underestimated, it is imperative to get your gating design to be robust against process variations before arriving at the testing phase.

Simulation allows for virtual testing early on in the development stage. Accurate prediction and quantification of defects and process design are imperative in order to ‘get it right’ during production trials.

With ESI ProCAST you can cast your parts right the first time, every time –meeting your deadlines and never wasting money on scrap parts or late redesigns. For decades, customers have relied upon ProCAST as their go-to tool for the casting basics – filling, solidification, and porosity prediction. With its finite element technology, it also predicts complex issues like deformations and residual stresses and comprehensively addresses most castable alloys and most casting processes like sand castings, die castings, investment castings, and multiple variants associated with these processes.

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