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Rowbyte TV Distortion Bundle

admin 2024-06-16 5次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
rowbyte - TV Distortion Bundle win macRowbyte TV Distortion Bundle v1.0 WinRowbyte TV Distortion Bundle v1.0 WinMac - AescriptsRowbyte TV Distortion B...

rowbyte - TV Distortion Bundle win mac

Rowbyte TV Distortion Bundle v1.0 Win

Rowbyte TV Distortion Bundle v1.0 WinMac - Aescripts

Rowbyte TV Distortion Bundle v1.1 win mac

Rowbyte TV Distortion Bundle V1.2b

Rowbyte TV Distortion Bundle v2.0.7 CE

Rowbyte TV Distortion Bundle 2.6.0 Win

Rowbyte TV Distortion Bundle v2.6.0 for Mac

Rowbyte TV Distortion Bundle 2.7.0 Win

TV Distortion Bundle v2.7 win mac

TV Distortion Bundle v2.7.2 win mac


电视失真效果包五个失真插件集合,适用于After Effects 和 Premiere,帮助数字媒体艺术家创造模拟失真,数位影像及卫星失真,数字像素模拟色差效果。换句话说,你可以模拟从模拟时代到目前的数字压缩的时代看电视体验。

TV Distortion Bundle is a collection of five distortion plug-ins for After Effects and Premiere which help digital media artists create Analog Distortion, Digital Image & Satellite Distortion, Digital Pixel Simulation and Chromatic Aberration with ease. In other words you can simulate TV watching experience from the analog era to the current digital compression era.

The bundle has the following plug-ins.

Data Glitch

Data Glitch 创造了逼真的数字化图像的毛刺效果,当你的卫星传输或有线广不畅或磁盘损坏时会看到。

Data Glitch is all about the modern day compression glitch artifacts. It creates awesome realistic digital image glitches with total ease. Something you would see during a satellite transmission or a cable broadcast or from a damaged disk. Bad TV plugin is great for analog TV look, but in the modern day you hardly see anything that's analog anymore. This plugin simulates a realistic digital glitch effect. In real-life most of the glitches occur due to problems in encoding/decoding and sometimes data corruption. This plugin does exactly that. It encodes the data, glitches the data and then decodes it similar to the real life situation.

Bad TV

Bad TV让您可以在After Effects和Premiere Pro中创建画面模拟电视的失真。
Bad TV lets you create Analog TV distortion on footage in After Effects and Premiere Pro. You can create out of sync and heavily distorted videos with total ease. Best of all, no displacement maps required!

Separate RGB

这个插件可以让你独立移动,旋转,缩放,模糊,融合,消失,扭曲 RGB通道。你可以使用这个插件来创建流行的色差效果。
This plugin allows you to move, rotate, scale, blur, blend, fade and distort the RGB channels independently without any hassle of Pre-Comps and layer channels. You can use this plugin to create the popular Chromatic Aberration effect.

Dot Pixels

这个插件可以让你像素化图像,转换成圈和环形效果。打造 LED屏幕效果或多孔表面效果非常有用。
This plug-in lets you pixelate your image into circles and rings. Highly useful to create LED screen effect or a porous surface effect. Can also be used to create new abstract, artistic version of images and footage. It has optional shading that helps you to simulate spherical and torus objects.


This plug-in lets you achieve a realistic effect of simulating what the image on an LCD screen or tube tv looks like or can be used for artistic effect. You can set the size of the pixel optionally.

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