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Udemy - Unreal Engine 5 C++ Multiplayer Shooter by Stephen Ulibarri (2023)

admin 2024-06-16 3次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Udemy - Unreal Engine 5 C++ Multiplayer Shooter by Stephen Ulibarri (2023)Udemy - 斯蒂芬·乌利巴里的虚幻5引擎和C++ 多人射击游戏教程 (12023) 42.4GB这部教程是一门全面的C++课程,旨在教授学员有关Un...

Udemy - Unreal Engine 5 C++ Multiplayer Shooter by Stephen Ulibarri (2023)

Udemy - 斯蒂芬·乌利巴里的虚幻5引擎和C++ 多人射击游戏教程 (12023) 42.4GB

这部教程是一门全面的C++课程,旨在教授学员有关Unreal Engine多人游戏的知识。从头开始,学员将创建一个完整的多人射击游戏,并学习所有技能,这些技能在Unreal Engine 5中都是通用的[1]。课程的主讲老师是Stephen Ulibarri,他将帮助学员通过创建一个完整的射击游戏来学习Unreal Engine游戏开发

Over 64 hours of content!

Learn all about Unreal Engine multiplayer in this fully comprehensive C++ course. From scratch, we create a complete multiplayer shooter game, capable of creating and joining game sessions and connecting many players across the internet. We'll create our very own custom plugin that can be added to any Unreal Engine project to easily turn it into a multiplayer game.

We learn how to optimize our game for the best performance, as competitive shooters require the highest performance possible. We'll implement lag compensation techniques such as client-side prediction and server-side rewind, so the game performs smoothly even in the presence of high lag!

We learn how to use the proper game classes for each multiplayer mechanic. Custom match states, warmup/cooldown match timers, Elim announcements, HUD with health, shields, ammo and grenades, and more! We keep all important functionality on the server, to prevent cheating, and learn the proper way to use the Player Controller, Game Mode, Game State, Player State, Character and Game Instance classes.

We make assault rifles, pistols, submachine guns, rocket launchers, grenade launchers, sniper rifles and throwing grenades! All functional in multiplayer, optimized for best performance.

After this course, you'll be able to create any multiplayer game you want. If you can do a fast-paced shooter well, you can do any game, because fast-paced, competitive games require the best performance possible.


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