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Udemy - Adobe Photoshop CC - Complete Course From Zero To Hero

admin 2024-06-16 6次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Udemy - Adobe Photoshop CC - Complete Course From Zero To HeroUdemy - Adobe Photoshop CC - 从零到专家的完全学习教程, 31.4GB您将学到什么如何使用 Photoshop 和 Adobe 服务如何在 I Pa...

Udemy - Adobe Photoshop CC - Complete Course From Zero To Hero

Udemy - Adobe Photoshop CC - 从零到专家的完全学习教程, 31.4GB


如何使用 Photoshop 和 Adobe 服务

如何在 I Pad 上使用 Photoshop


如何使用 Photoshop 工作区








如何在 Photoshop 中使用绘图和绘画





如何从 Photoshop 打印


如何使用 3D 和技术成像



你有没有想过编辑自己的图像?在数字时代,我们每天都被成千上万的图像所包围,从个人照片到数字艺术。也许您想增强照片并在社交媒体上展示它,或者您想修复生活中原本完美的快照中的不完美之处。也许您想为个人或商业用途说明或设计艺术和徽标。可能性是无限的 - 你知道自己在做什么时。这正是我们在这里教给你的。

在本课程中,您将学习有关在Adobe Photoshop中进行编辑和设计的所有内容,从创建新文件到导出最终产品。我们将向您展示工作空间,并向您展示将您的想象力转化为数字现实的工具、面板和样式。您将学习从混合到调整颜色和焦点再到修饰照片的所有内容。最后,您将学习如何使用Adobe Photoshop进行设计和插图。

我们甚至包括了数十个在屏幕上编辑的示例供您学习。这就是为什么这是您创建无可挑剔的数字艺术和像专业人士一样编辑照片所需的唯一 Photoshop 课程!


任何想学习编辑的人 - 无需经验!




What you’ll learn

How To Use Photoshop and Adobe services

How To Use Photoshop On The I Pad

How To Create And Open And Export Cloud Documents

How To Use Photoshop Workspace

How To Use Web Screen And Application Design

How To Use Image And Color Basics

How To Create And Manage Layers

How To Use Selections

How To Use Image Adjustments

How To Use Image Repair And Restoration

How To Use Image Transformations

How To Use Drawing And Painting In Photoshop

How To Create And Edit Text

How To Use Video And Animation

How To Use Filter And Effects

How To Save And Export File Formats

How To Print From Photoshop

How To Create Actions And Automation

How To Use 3D And Technical Imaging

How To Use And Understanding Color Management

Learn Photo Editing With Photoshop!Design like a pro!

Have you ever wanted to edit your own images? In the digital age, we’re surrounded by thousands of images daily, from personal photos, to digital art. Maybe you want to enhance a photo and show it off on social media, or perhaps you want to fix the imperfections in an otherwise perfect snapshot of your life. Perhaps you want to illustrate or design art and logos for personal or commercial use. The possibilities are infinite – when you know what you’re doing. And that’s exactly what we’re here to teach you.

In this course, you’re going to learn everything about editing and design in Adobe Photoshop, from creating a new file to exporting the final product. We’ll show you around the workspace and show you the tools, panels and styles that are there to transform your imagination into digital reality. You’ll learn everything from blending, to adjusting colors and focus, to retouching photographs. Finally, you’ll learn how to use Adobe Photoshop for design and illustration.

We’ve even included dozens of examples edited on-screen for you to study. That’s why this is the only Photoshop course you’ll ever need to create impeccable digital art and edit photos like a pro!

Who this course is for:

Anyone who wants to learn to edit – no experience needed!

Editors/designers who want to learn new styles

Anyone with specialised needs (logo designers, digital artists, photographers, animators)

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