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Udemy - Practice Perspective and Composition

admin 2024-06-16 10次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Udemy - Practice Perspective and CompositionUdemy - 练习透视和合成绘画教程,绘制丰富多彩的房间场景。您将学到什么:用角色说明丰富多彩的房间场景透视法则三分法则前导线要求:你应该习惯于自己尝试您应该拥有支持 Procreate 和 Apple Pen...

Udemy - Practice Perspective and Composition

Udemy - 练习透视和合成绘画教程,绘制丰富多彩的房间场景。








您应该拥有支持 Procreate 和 Apple Pencil 或其他支持的手写笔的 iPad。

您应该知道如何使用 Procreate 应用程序


嘿!你有没有发现自己想说明一个充满细节的场景,但又觉得有点迷茫,不知道从哪里开始?不用担心;我去过那里,我在这里指导你!加入我的实践课程,我们将深入了解设计一个充满细节的色彩缤纷的房间的快乐过程。你猜怎么着?在这个房间里,我们不会孤军奋战;我们只会孤军奋战。我们将有一个好奇的女孩,两只可爱的猫和一只可爱的狗陪伴。但首先要做的是!我们将重新审视透视的基本原理,这对任何房间设计都至关重要。在此过程中,我们将深入研究一些久经考验的构图理论,确保我们的场景感觉平衡和迷人。从原始的初始草图,我们将一起前往精致的线条艺术 - 为我们色彩鲜艳的活泼房间奠定完美的基础。然后我们将添加有趣的细节,使房间舒适。别忘了注入你独特的风格!我们将探索一些鼓舞人心的参考资料,以使插图真正与您的喜好产生共鸣。请放心,每一步,我都在您身边,分解内容以确保您可以轻松地遵循并创建您引以为豪的插图。所以,让我们开始吧!您色彩缤纷的房间等待着您!


Drawing Colorful Room Scene

What you’ll learn:

Illustrate Colorful Room Scene with Characters

Rules of Perspective

Rule of Thirds

Leading Lines


You should be comfortable with trying things on your own

You should have iPad supporting Procreate & Apple Pencil or other supported stylus

You should know how to work with the Procreate app


Hey!Have you ever found yourself wanting to illustrate a scene full of details, but felt a little lost on where to begin? Don’t worry; I’ve been there, and I’m here to guide you through!Join me in this hands-on class, where we’ll dive deep into the joyful process of designing a colorful room filled with details. And guess what? We won’t be alone in this room; we’ll be accompanied by a curious girl, two cute cats, and one lovable dog.But first things first! We’ll revisit the fundamentals of perspective, crucial for any room design.Along the way, we’ll delve into some tried-and-true composition theories, ensuring our scene feels balanced and captivating.From a raw, initial sketch, we’ll journey together to refined line art – the perfect foundation for our lively room in vibrant colors. Then we will add interesting details to make the room cozy.And don’t forget to infuse your unique style! We’ll explore some inspiring references to make the illustration truly resonate with your preferences.Rest assured, with each step, I’m right by your side, breaking things down to ensure you can easily follow along and create an illustration you’re proud of. So, let’s get started! Your colorful room awaits!

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