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Sound Ideas - Sounds of a Different Realm Sound Effects

admin 2024-06-16 9次浏览 0条评论 0 打赏作者 0 0
Sound Ideas - Sounds of a Different Realm Sound EffectsSound Ideas不同领域的音效,声音设计师艾伦·斯普莱特和安·克罗伯的杰出作品。艾伦被许多人认为是世界上最伟大的电影声音设计师。他对环境声音的唤起性使用帮助我们彻底改变了听电影的方式。...

Sound Ideas - Sounds of a Different Realm Sound Effects

Sound Ideas不同领域的音效,声音设计师艾伦·斯普莱特和安·克罗伯的杰出作品。艾伦被许多人认为是世界上最伟大的电影声音设计师。他对环境声音的唤起性使用帮助我们彻底改变了听电影的方式。


Sounds of a Different Realm Sound Effects contains the brilliant work of sound designers Alan Splet and Ann Kroeber. Alan was considered by many to have been the world's greatest motion picture sound designer. His evocative use of ambient sounds helped revolutionize the way we hear movies. Since he passed away in 1994, many have asked his widow and long time collaborator, Ann Kroeber, to publish work from the couple's vast collection.

Ann, and her company, Sound Mountain, chose The Hollywood Edge to help pay tribute to Alan's legacy and introduce her own innovative recordings. Sounds of a Different Realm Sound Effects includes "Unusual Presences" which pay homage to Alan and the couple's long time collaboration with director David Lynch, and one disc of all new recordings titled "Common Sounds Heard in Uncommon Ways" recorded exclusively for this Hollywood Edge.


182 Royalty Free Sound Effects

Originally available on 3 CDs

All files fully embedded with extensive metadata

Available for Download as 16/44.1, 16/48 or 24/48 broadcast wav files

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